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How To Find Gunpowder In Far Cry 6 Quickest Method

How To Find Gunpowder In Far Cry 6 Quickest Method. Knowing how to get gunpowder in Far Cry 6 is useful because the resolver upgrade material is required to craft certain gadgets that may suit your playstyle. Gunpowder, like all other materials in the game, can be obtained in a variety of ways. Most of the time, simply exploring the map with any degree of thoroughness should suffice. However, if you want to know specifically how to obtain gunpowder in FC6, keep reading.

Far Cry 6 Gunpowder Obtaining

There are numerous ways to obtain gunpowder resolver upgrade material in Far Cry 6. The first is to open every single FND chest you come across. Those are the red and black crates with the letters “FND” printed in white on the front. If you bribe soldiers or collect maps near anti-aircraft cannons and military checkpoints, they will appear on the map as white chests. Keep in mind that not all FND chests will contain gunpowder; some will only provide you with a weapon. In other words, even if you don’t get gunpowder, go through every FND crate looking for weapons.

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The second thing you can do is go looking for supply drops. These can be found all over the map; you’ll know one is on its way when you see and/or hear an airplane flying above. When it does, look for a plume of yellow smoke emanating from a massive package from a vantage point. When you approach and open it, you’ll most likely find Far Cry 6 gunpowder and supremo-bonds resolver materials. Just keep in mind that enemy soldiers will congregate around supply drops, so exercise caution when visiting one. Before opening the package and gathering the supplies, make sure the area is clear.

Ambushes are the third most reliable way to obtain gunpowder. These are indicated on your map by icons that resemble white guns on red backgrounds. These always begin the same way: you come across a swarm of soldiers guarding a large crate. Clear out the enemies, take the resources from the crate, and continue on your way. As simple as it gets.

How To Find Gunpowder In Far Cry 6 Quickest Method