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Janna Rework All Changes | League of Legends

Janna Rework All Changes | League of Legends Riot August, a League of Legends game designer, has disclosed the planned adjustments to one of the game’s most popular supports. Another set of Preseason tweaks will included in the forthcoming patch.

League of Legends has seen a lot of changes in the preseason, including two new dragons and a slew of new items. Last year’s Preseason featured the divisive Item Overhaul, and it appears that Riot Games isn’t done with its item tweaks yet.

In the realm of League of Legends, champion reworks are rather common. Janna has been struggling to find her place in the game’s meta for quite some time, and it appears that Riot has decided to help her out with a few tweaks.

Janna’s mini-rework revealed by one of the League of Legends game designers:

  • Movement speed will go up from 315 to 330
  • Attack Damage will get increased from 46 (+1.5 per level) to 52 (+3 per level)
  • Janna’s attack range will go down from 550 to 500 units
  • Tailwind (Q) – Minimal range get increased from 1000 to 1100 units; Maximum range will go from 1750 to 1760; Damage will go up from 60-16 to 60-180
  • Janna’s attack range will go down from 550 to 500 units
  • Howling Gale (W) – Range will go up from 550 to 650 units; slow duration get increased from 2 to 3 seconds; passive movement speed will go up from 6-10% to 8-14%
  • Zephyr (E) – Cooldown will go down from 16-12 to 15-9 seconds; Time before shield decay will go up from 0.75 to 1.25 seconds

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It’s easy to say that Janna eclipsed by champions who have only recently launched, such as Yuumi. Yuumi’s popularity has soared in recent weeks, owing to her participation at Worlds, where she either picked or banned. With a ban rate of over 40%, she presently has the highest in the game. She is without a doubt one of the most annoying League of Legends champions to face. Once she has a comfortable lead in the bot lane, the minimal counterplay she offers makes it nearly impossible for the other team to recover.

Janna has a long history of being a formidable League of Legends support. She not only has the ability to provide consistent security for her AD carry, but she is also the game’s finest disengage support. Patch 12.1 slated to provide these improvements, which will the first official patch for Season 12.

Janna Rework All Changes | League of Legends