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How To Get Blood Raven X Suit PUBG

PUBG Mobile: Blood Raven’s Treasure Event

Now, coming to the Blood Raven Event, there will be Blood Raven Seeds which any player can collect for free upon completing the particular missions. Players can use these seeds to redeem items such as Blood Raven Title (30d), Blood Raven Ornament (3d), and Melee Weapon – Blood Raven Bone Scythe Sickle (3d) for free. Although the free items are not that impressive, at least those who don’t wish to invest any money will have something to celebrate for. The event is set to go live on 16th April & conclude on 25th April.

Now players will have a total of 5 chances to draw using silver fragments to get them through silver fragments. An animated intro will start leading you to someone in five rewards segments when the player enters a draw. After all, players can pick up any item in the section depending on their chance and we all know that not many are lucky enough in just 5 free draws to hit a mythical item.

There are also a number of other things that can be bought. Blood Raven Spin is accompanyed by the Obsidian Eagle Set, Nightscape Set, Blood Raven Backpack and other pieces. Every spin is 60 UC, while 10 spins cost 540, for a single spin. In addition, the chances of the X Suit being landed in the spin are very poor. Though the notion of getting the products from a casual player can seem unplausible, we look to content designers around the globe to enjoy the awesome presence of Blood Raven X-Suit in the lobby.

Blood Raven X-Suit: Upgrade (All the way to Level 6)
  • Base Form
  • Teammate interaction
  • Advanced form
  • Elimination Broadcast
  • Shock & Awe
  • Final Form
PUBG Mobile: Blood Raven’s Treasure Event

Now, coming to the Blood Raven Event, there will be Blood Raven Seeds which any player can collect for free upon completing the particular missions. Players can use these seeds to redeem items such as Blood Raven Title (30d), Blood Raven Ornament (3d), and Melee Weapon – Blood Raven Bone Scythe Sickle (3d) for free. Although the free items are not that impressive, at least those who don’t wish to invest any money will have something to celebrate for. The event is set to go live on 16th April & conclude on 25th April.

Now to obtain it through Silver Fragments, players will get a total of 5 chances to draw using Silver Fragments. Whenever the player enters a draw an animated intro will begin leading them to someone out of five rewards segments. After all, players can pick up a single item based on their luck. We all know that many people have little luck in only having 5 free draws to hit a mythical item.

There are also a number of other things that you can buy. Blood Raven Spin is accompanied by an Obsidian Eagle Set, a Nightscape Set, a Blood Raven Backpack and more pieces. Each rotation costs 60 UC, while 10 rotations cost 540 UC at a time. In addition, there are very low chances of the X Suit falling in the spin. Although a casual player cannot believe the idea of purchasing all products, we look up to content makers all over the globe to enjoy Blood Raven X-impressive Suit’s presence in the lobby.