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Top 5 Weapons With The Highest Damage In PUBG Mobile

Top 5 Weapons With The Highest Damage In PUBG Mobile. Here you can see the top 5 PUBG Mobile guns damaged the most. You might be surprised by certain names in this list.

Top 5 Weapons With The Highest Damage In PUBG Mobile

5. Kar98K

Kar98k is a strong, high hit sniper rifle. In addition, owing to the low recuperation, its accuracy is rather good. In addition, up to 500 metres are the maximum effective distance. A Level-1 and Level-2 opponent can be knocked out in one flash. Kar98k may shatter the helmet and take 99HP away when the enemy wears a Level 3 helmet. The sniper sniper rifle may also be used for the mid-range fight.

Pubg Mobile Kar98k

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4. M24

Because of its high power, M24 is one of the most favoured long range fighting weapons. Their base harm per hit is 79HP. Like Kar98k, a Level 2 helmet may likewise be knocked by one blow. If the target has a set of level-3 armour, just 2 bullets are needed to complete it. M24 also has a high initial bullet speed and recharge speed. In addition, it can store up to 7 rounds each load with an extensed mag.

Pubg Mobile M24

3. Pan

Seeing this weapon on this list is rather shocking. But Pan is one of the highest-powered PUBG mobile melee weapons. It’s a solid metal component. It may therefore be used to defend your back as a bulletproof object. In addition, up to 80 HP/hit is the basis damage to the PUBG Mobile Pan. To finish the adversary, you just have to make 2 successive hits.

Pan Pubg Mobile

2. Crossbow

Crossbow has 105HP per hit of crazy base damage. The opponents can only be taken in one shot with a level-3 helmet. The crossbow is also PUBG Mobile’s silentest weapon, thus you can disguise your location. However, the reloading time is quite long. After each shot, you have to reload. So when you see the opponents, it’s rather hazardous.

1. AWM

AWM’s PUBG Mobile has the greatest damage. The sound on the battlefield is usually frightening for many gamers. It has a 120HP basic damage per hit. A equipped player can only complete in one shot no matter how long or armoured he is. This powerful weapon is therefore uncommon as well.