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Minecraft: Best Enchantments For Swords

Minecraft: Best Enchantments For Swords. Swords are your go-to weapons for traversing all of Minecraft’s content. The game starts with a wooden sword and ends with a clean-cut from the enchanted Netherite weapon. Enchanting, in case you didn’t know, is the process of injecting specific features into weapons, armors, or tools in order to improve their abilities. Here are the coolest sword enchantments in Minecraft, along with instructions on how to earn them in the 1.17 update!

Unbreaking III

Unbreaking is an enchantment that makes most objects in the game last longer. When the objects are in use, there is a chance that they will not degrade in durability. Unbreaking can be used on armors, weapons, tools, and just about anything else in Minecraft. When weapons and tools are used at Unbreaking level 3, they have a 33.33 percent chance of losing durability. Armor components have a 70% probability of being found.


Making a Villager Trading Post is the best way to achieve Unbreaking III. To alter the villagers’ sale inventory, keep placing and breaking in front of them. Unbreaking III can be obtained from the Enchant Table, but it’s a long shot. Furthermore, you almost always only receive Unbreaking I or II.


Mending is the finest enchantment in Minecraft for all goods. It restores lost durability by using the players’ EXP. This ensures that the products will never break. You must hold an item enchanted with Mending on your main hand, offhand, or equip it into armour slots to repair it. Mending costs two EXP points and restores one durability. Build an EXP farm and make sure your mob grinder is working, and you’ll have an endless supply of things that will never break.

Trading Hall Villager

Mending is an uncommon Enchantment in the universe of Minecraft. It’s not possible to get it from the Enchant Table. It’s a treasure enchantment that can be found in chests, fishing, raids, or trading. A diamond pickaxe found in a bastion remnant can also be used to obtain one.

Sharpness V/Smite V/Bane of Arthropods V

You can choose one of three finest Enchantments for swords in Minecraft, depending on your needs:

Sharpness V
  • Sharpness is good for general use. It increases melee weapons‘ damage for swords and axes. At level 5, this enchantment boosts your sword’s damage by 3 points (Java Edition). To get Sharpness V, place two Sharpness IV books or swords into the Anvil and combine them.
  • Smite deals extra damage to undead mobs (Zombies and Skeletons). It bumps up your damage towards this kind of mobs by a whole lot. However, it doesn’t have any other use. Smite V can be obtained from trading or enchanting.
  • Bane of Arthropods allows your swords to deal more damage to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, bees, silverfish, and endermites). Overall, this is not a good choice, unless you’re going for a spider farm. Bane of Arthropods V can be obtained from trading or enchanting.

Sweeping Edge III

Sweeping Edge is one of the few Enchantments that is only available in the Java Edition. It boosts the sweeping damage of swords. This Enchantment can only be used on swords because they are the only weapon that can sweep attack.


Get your Sweeping Edge III from combining enchanted books or trading with villagers.

Looting III

In Minecraft, looting is a must-have Enchantment for a mob farm. When killing mobs, it increases the chance of dropping items. This pertains to stuff that is common, uncommon, or rare. Looting, on the other hand, has no effect on the EXP drop.


Enchant books until you have enough Looting I or II to combine them to level 3 to achieve Looting III. To access the final Enchantment choice, you must be at least level 30.

Fire Aspect II

For cooking, Fire Aspect effectively replaces the furnace and smoker. It sets the target ablaze, and mobs such as pigs, cows, and fish drop cooked meat as they die. When applied to an adversary, Fire Aspect also deals extra burn damage for 4 seconds.

Fire Aspect II is pretty hard to gain from enchanting. So your best bet is building a Villager trading centre for it. To save resources, you can enchant books instead of swords.

Knockback II

Last but not least, Knockback is one of the best Enchantments for swords in Minecraft. It extends your sword’s knock-back range, putting extra gap between you and your foes. Fighting the Drowned and Skeletons, on the other hand, can be difficult. You don’t want those creatures firing ranged attacks at you from distance.

Fire Aspect

Knockback II can be obtained through the Enchantment Table or through trading.