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Thunder Manifestation Location in Genshin Impact

Thunder Manifestation Location in Genshin Impact

Thunder Manifestation Location in Genshin Impact.The Thunder Manifestation is a scary opponent, yet it is actually a difficult procedure to identify its place. At the summit of the Amakumo Peak, on Seirai Island, is the floating Electro boss. You require entry to Inazuma before you reach this area but even when the country of the island has already been opened you will not just be able to stroll up the Thunder event since there is a big electric storm around it.

Before the Thunder Manifestation boss is unlocked this storm means several island humps and puzzles solving. You have to fly from floating to floating island and screen the four riddles of the Ward of Stone to finish the Seirai stormchasers World Quest. This is how Genshin Impact may uncover the Electro Oceanid.


Maybe you tried to climb Amakumo Peak, and soon found out that it’s an extremely hazardous location. Those that do not perish due to the continual harm caused by electro are likely to end with a flash.

We must address the problems of the Seirai Island Electro with the Seirai Stormchasers World Quest to unleash the manifestation in Thunder. You will discover this search within the Journal if you have access to the Inazuma Region – it may be that you have to approach to activate it in the Adventurer Guild.


Talk to Katheryne in the Adventurer’s Guild in Inazuma City to begin the Seirai Stormchasers World Quest. You going sent to Seirai, where you have to talk to Eiko. Fortunately, on this area of the island, you not struck by the Electro Storm. Some targets (following footprints, defeating some treasure gardeners) must then fulfilled and the first Warding Stein investigated.

The initial pillar is on the ground, but you will need to journey later in the sky between the small floating islands. They connected by the Electro Portals Phase Gates and by the Thunder Sphères, to which you can travel through the Electrogranum.

A warding stone in Genshin Impact


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The rest of the Seirai Stormchasers World Quest involves most of the riddles of the Warding Stone. To solve a riddle, you first have to discover and interact with the three paper charm hanging in this Warding Stone.

You next need to rotate the top and bottom sections of the Warding Stone such that the number of paper charms on the pole is equal to the number of paper charms on that side of the Warded Stone.

Once the fourth and last puzzle of Warding Stein completed, a stone plateau forms in the centre of the island of Seirai. Finally, the Thunder Manifestation site was located and unlocked!

The Electro Oceanid in Genshin Impact preparing to fight


Now that we know where the Thunder Manifestation is, let’s deny it and take those prizes! However, make sure you have a good squad before you start the combat. Since Thunder an electro creature, immunised against electro injury. So best go home from Baal.

This also indicates that a character like Pyrus or Cryo can readily respond elementarily to the manifestation of Thunder. A 5 star Bow character such as Yoimiya or Aloy would be a fantastic companion to tackle this battle. However, when an aerial adversary, Thunder Manifestation frequently takes place within the melee range (so if you don’t like, you aren’t need to carry Amber). You could bring somebody like Chongyun, Sucrose or Bennett to that fight, if you don’t have many five star characters.

Thunder Manifestation Location in Genshin Impact

There several area-of-effect strikes at the Thunder Manifestation but they seen too hard. Try to avoid these assaults, as hitting is going to help you hit the Thunder Manifestation. Noelle or Diona may also aid to steal their shields in this battle.

This is all the information you have to locate in Genshin Impact at the Thunder Manifestation! Enjoy the battle and don’t forget to pick up your Storm Bead. Check our Genshin Impact Fishing Guide and our Genshin Impact Fishing Guide to help you reach the Raiden Shogun level.