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Best Horror Multiplayer Games To Play With Friends For Android 2021

Best Horror Multiplayer Games To Play With Friends For Android 2021.One of the most popular video game genres is horror. While horror games are typically played alone, there have been a number of excellent multiplayer horror games published in recent years. We’ll show you the greatest horror multiplayer games on Android in this article.

Dead by Daylight Mobile

Dead By Daylight Bot

Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer horror game in which a single killer pursues four survivors who are attempting to flee. This is a dangerous hide-and-seek game inspired by cult classic horror films such as Friday the 13th and Halloween.

Players must equip themselves with crucial survival tips, explore the map, and perform numerous tasks in order to escape from the killer’s grasp. You can either survive with your pals or use them as bait to escape by restarting generators, opening doors, and finding a skeleton key to hide down a hatch. The music in Dead by Daylight Mobile is the best element of the game, sounding like it came straight out of a horror film.

Horror Hunt

Another asymmetrical multiplayer horror game in which four players work together to slay the big bad monster. Horror Hunt, unlike Dead by Daylight, is far more action-packed, as players can fight back.

They can’t, however, simply fight the creature right away. Players must first destroy the totems that provide the monster with strength and power… else, the monster would be unstoppable. This is where the game’s horror element comes in, as you must constantly avoid the monster while performing your duties. Every hunter or monster has unique talents and a distinct style of play. Horror Hunt is one of the finest horror multiplayer games for Android because of this.

Specimen Zero

Specimen Zero - Horror (Trailer). Available on Android and iOS - YouTube

This is a multiplayer horror game similar to Dead by Daylight, however the creature isn’t human. In this game, you and a pal will wake up in an unknown location with a monster haunting the area. To escape, you must solve puzzles and hunt for, collect, and use things.

The visuals of Specimen Zero are well-designed. It’s a horror hospital, complete with mystery labs, frightening rooms, and roaming creatures. You’ve probably guessed who the players will face based on the name.

Imposter Hide

People replicated the main gameplay of Among Us and applied it to a 3D world because they did not trademark their gaming concept. Overall, Imposter Hide is a 3D version of Among Us.

You play as a shipmate on a spacecraft with a purpose to do all jobs without being discovered by the impostor in this horror interactive game. To get away, try to hide beneath tables and corners and make as little noise as possible. You can play as impostors or shipmates with your buddies, or you can play against an impostor bot.


Horrorfield - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Survivor (iOS, Android) -  YouTube

Overall, Horrorfield can be considered a Dead by Daylight clone, as it features the same 4vs1 gameplay. The twist is that the game is a top-down 2D game. Play as one of seven survivors, each having their own special skill. You must hide, support each other, and complete various chores to unlock an escape path from the abandoned asylum, similar to Dead by Daylight.

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Unlike Dead By Daylight, Horrorfield’s main map is an abandoned institution filled with horrific traps and hidden areas. Use this to elude the assassins who prowl the area. There are also four murderers, each with their own special powers.

Granny’s House: Pursuit and Survival

MY FIRST ESCAPE | Granny's house: Online - Android Gameplay #2 FHD - YouTube

Granny’s House is an asymmetrical horror multiplayer PVP game, except this time it’s 2 vs 6 rather than 1 vs 4. Instead of the solitary killer being outwitted by survivors, both sides can work together.

This game has three modes: escape, infection, and storey. The first is the standard 2 versus. 6 game, in which the six youngsters must work together to find the hidden parts and escape. In Infection mode, all of the kids are on their own, and catching a youngster as a pursuer will flip your roles. You and your pals would team up and play PVE versus AI foes in storey mode.

Best Horror Multiplayer Games To Play With Friends For Android 2021