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How To Find Igloos In Minecraft

How To Find Igloos In Minecraft. Igloos are structures which in snowy biomes are naturally created. They are made mainly of snow blocks and sometimes hard to detect small, round structures. But they contain precious plunder and villagers, which are crucial for their survival. In this article, we will show how igloos in Minecraft can be found and looted.

About Igloos in Minecraft

In all snowy biomes, Igloos do not spawn. Only snowy tundra, snowy taiga and snowy slopes produce biomes, however, they do not produce in snowy mountains, ice spikes, snowy taiga hills or other variations. This makes them one of the rarer game structures (the biomes they spawn on are rare while they themselves are not).


There is a small tap room inside an igloo with a crafting table, a stove and a bed. If players were fortunate enough to spawn the area, this makes them instant base. In addition, an igloo sometimes spawns under the main room with a secret room containing valuable items.

How to find Igloos in Minecraft

As igloos only spawn in snowy tundra, snowy taiga, and snowy slopes, it is vital that you find those biomes first then explore them. Below are their details:

  • The snowy taiga’s signature is the spruce trees, as no tree species other than spruce will grow naturally in a snowy taiga biome. Their tops are covered with snow.
  • The snowy tundra is the rare ice plains, which is a mix between plains and taiga biomes. Trees are not common here, with the entire area blanketed with snow.
  • Snowy slopes are steep terrain leading up to the peak biomes and are also covered in snow.
Snowy Taiga

Run until you find one afterwards. They are somewhat difficult to detect so you have to be careful. If you’re too lazy to manually find them, however, just use cheats to get the nearest igloo to your place.

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How to loot Igloos in Minecraft

The rate of a spawning cellar in Igloos is 50%. You may find an oak trapdoor if it has a basement. It is situated right outside the door under the third white tapestry. To reach the basement, follow the long ladder shaft. Be careful, because some blocks of the crossing and the basement are infested – when they break down they spawn silverfish.

The inside of an igloo
  • You can find a brewing stand, a cauldron and a chest in the basement. Furthermore, beyond the far wall, there are 2 villagers lock inside 2 different cages. One is a normal villager and the other is a zombie villager.
  • The zombie villager can be cured with a splash potion of Weakness in the brewing stand and the enchanted golden apple in the chest. Be careful, as this may make the zombie villager lose its profession. You can change their profession later with the presence of the brewing stand and cauldron. Turning them back to normal is required for trading.
  • In Java Edition, the generated villager is always unemployed, while the generated zombie villager is always a cleric.
  • In Bedrock Edition, the villager has a random profession while the zombie villager is unemployed.

How To Find Igloos In Minecraft