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Industrial Circuits Locations

Where to Find Far Cry 6 Industrial Circuits|Industrial Circuits Locations

Where to Find Far Cry 6 Industrial Circuits|Industrial Circuits Locations.There are many materials that you will need to find in Far Cry 6, and one of the most important is Industrial Circuits. This is due to the fact that this material is used for advanced Supremo and weapon enhancements. Because improving your Supremo and weapons is such an important part of the FC6 gameplay experience, you’ll want to collect as many Industrial Circuits as possible. Our Far Cry 6 Industrial Circuits – Where to Find guide will tell you all the best farming methods to help you acquire this resource in large quantities.

Far Cry 6: Where to Find Industrial Circuits

Lola is an NPC that you will meet throughout the game. She will allow you to purchase Industrial Circuits from her, among other things. Simply talk to her and enter the Black Market screen to do so. You will be able to buy Industrial Circuits here. However, you will be able to purchase these only in Moneda, not Pesos.

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The second way to obtain Industrial Circuits is to exchange animal meat for them. Alpha Crocodile Meat, Alpha Jaguar Meat, and Alpha Coyote Meat are all examples of this. You can exchange it with any vendor. The Primal Set gear you get from hunting Mythical Animals is also very useful here, as it allows you to get closer to animals without them noticing you. Normally, you should avoid using ballistic weapons against animals because killing them with these means you won’t be able to get their meat.

Until you upgrade your Hunter’s Lodge, that is. You will be able to obtain the Animal Anatomy Guide once you have sufficiently upgraded it. This will allow you to obtain undamaged meat from animals even if they were killed with bullets or explosives. These are the two most dependable methods for obtaining Industrial Circuits. You can also get it from Los Bandidos operations, but this isn’t as dependable as the first two options.

Where to Find Far Cry 6 Industrial Circuits|Industrial Circuits Locations