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How To Increase More Inventory Slots

Darkest Dungeon 2: How To Increase More Inventory Slots

Darkest Dungeon 2: How To Increase More Inventory Slots.In most games, keeping track of inventory is a chore. The sequel to Darkest Dungeon is no exception. You only have a certain amount of storage space, and you can’t always bring everything with you. Here’s how to increase your inventory slots in Darkest Dungeon 2.

How To Increase More Inventory Slots

Finding Storage Trunks is currently the only way to increase your inventory slots in Darkest Dungeon 2. Each of these Stagecoach upgrades adds four additional inventory spaces. They appear at random in battles or chests. When you reach an Inn, you might see them being offered by the Provisioner (but it’s not a good idea to spend your relic currency on these).

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The Wainwright tab, which is related to the Inn, allows you to add these tools to the Stagecoach. That means you can have up to 16 additional spaces. However, considering that there are other improvements that can help with exploring, this is a bit of an overkill. There are maps that indicate nodes for sites of interest such as Lairs, for example, so you’ll always know if one is close.

It’s also worth noting that your stuff won’t carry over between runs, and you won’t be able to sell them to gain resources. At best, you’ll be able to save a few items that will heal your group, raise Affinity, or decrease Stress. In the long run, these will benefit your party. However, if there are any that you are certain you do not require, simply discard them. The items you throw away are transformed into Hope XP, which helps you raise your profile rank.