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Where To Find Lodestone In New World All Lodestone Locations

Where To Find Lodestone In New World: All Lodestone Locations

Where To Find Lodestone In New World: All Lodestone Locations Lodestone is a tier four resource that requires a Mining level of 105 to collect.

Lodestone is mostly found in the map’s north, near Great Cleave and Mourningdale. This short guide highlights some of the best places to mine for the stone, as well as what you can do with it once you’ve collected enough.

Harry Alston’s October 27, 2021 update: We’ve updated this guide to reflect the full release of New World, including the removal of some previously unannounced expeditions.

Best Lodestone Locations

Here are a few of our top picks.

Catara Falls and Great Cleave – Nullcavity

Nullcavity and Catara Falls, both to the north of Great Cleave, have numerous Lodestone nodes strewn about. At around level 50, Nullcavity spawns Corrupted enemies, whereas Catara Falls spawns Ancient enemies.


There are several places in Mourningdale to mine Lodestone, but our favourite has to be this short stretch of road to the west of the region. It’s just west of Menkar and Subra on the short cliffy path. As you pass through this area, you can simply mine for Lodestone. We didn’t come across many other players at this particular location.

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Ginger Hovel – Everfall

This is a relatively peaceful area where you can mine for Lodestone, especially if you’re at a higher level. The enemies here are all early level 20 beasts, which are much easier to deal with than some of the creatures to the north. The Ginger Hovel can be found in Everfall’s south-eastern section, marked

Spiti Ruins – Cutlass Keys

There are several Lodestone nodes spread out over a large area along the cliffy base of the Spiti Ruins. There are some higher-level Ancient enemies here, despite the fact that they are not directly inside an enemy spawn area (between levels 30-40.) During the beta, this wasn’t a particularly popular location for Lodestone mining.

What Can Lodestone Be Used For?

Lodestone Ore is refined into Lodestone Bricks, which are then used to craft these Expedition Tuning Orbs:

  • Depths Tuning Orb – used to access The Depths Expedition
  • Monoecious Tuning Orb – used to access the Monoecious Cleft located in Edengrove
  • Siren Tuning Orb – used to access the Arena of Siren’s Stand

Each of these can require up to 50 Lodestone Bricks, which means you’ll have to mine a lot of Ore, especially if you’re constantly repeating Expeditions to farm for gear. You will also require corrupted.

Where To Find Lodestone In New World: All Lodestone Locations