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Why Is Telesto Broken

Why Is Telesto Broken In Destiny 2

Why Telesto Broken In Destiny 2.Bungie had a hard time fixing Destiny 2‘s most broken gun, Telesto, which leads to many weird interactions because of how designed.

Bungie frequently has to deal with bugs and problems ranging from small to serious, game-breaking issues due to the sheer scale of Destiny 2. This is primarily due to the large number of possible interactions in Destiny 2, as the game relies on both abilities and weaponry at its heart, despite the fact that subclasses, mods, and Exotics all alter the outcome. As a result, it’s not rare for some of these combos to become troublesome, such as Stasis Hunters and Shatterdive’s present condition, which is shaping and ruining the whole PvP meta.

While Shatterdive more of an example of overtuned ability in an otherwise gunplay-oriented mode, Destiny 2 has a long history of problems. Bungie knew the Exotic trace rifle Prometheus Lens was inflicting unforeseen levels of damage, but nevertheless let Xur sell it so players may have fun before an inevitable nerf, as evidenced by the notorious “laser tag weekend.” Still, there’s one thing Bungie has had a lot of trouble with: Telesto, an Exotic fusion gun that has destroyed the game far too many times to count.

Why Telesto is Often Bugged in Destiny 2

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Telesto has always a difficult weapon due to the way it built, which an impact on many aspects of Destiny 2. The problem that Telesto designed by Bungie to have a variety of interactions dependent on what happens in the game, including enemy and player behaviour, something nearly no other weapon can achieve. Telesto’s key feature is the ability to fire many bolts every shot, each of which can attach to either adversaries or solid things.

Telesto Broken

Telesto’s behaviour further complicated by the fact that each sticky bolt has an inherent duration, which causes the projectile to vanish over time. However, adversaries can trigger the bolts by walking over them for a few seconds, causing them to explode and cause damage. If players fire straight at enemies, the detonation will take place quickly. The fact that Telesto bolts react differently depending on what’s going on around them is enough to set them apart from other weapons when it comes to collision features.

Because collision is a feature in Destiny 2, it can cause problems with items, adversaries, and players, therefore Bungie made Telesto bolts totally resistant to bullets to avoid further complications. The bolts, on the other hand, keep the collision aspect and make missiles and explosives bounce off them. Because they maintain collision, have a duration, and triggered when adversaries tread on them, the bolts now explode frequently rather than disappearing after they triggered. There are simply too many elements to cover in each of its pictures, and it interacts with everything in Destiny 2 in diverse ways.

The final issue that makes Telesto so difficult to improve is that improving the gun necessitates Bungie devoting time and resources away from generating new content for continuing expansions. This makes it more likely for Bungie to overlook issues if they do not jeopardise Destiny 2. Finally, the best method to deal with Telesto is to try to limit the amount of interactions it can cause without having to modify the gun’s identity, which is extremely difficult.

Destiny 2 is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox One X/S.

Why Is Telesto Broken In Destiny 2