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Harvest Child Boss In Darkest Dungeon 2

How To Defeat The Harvest Child Boss In Darkest Dungeon 2

How To Defeat The Harvest Child Boss In Darkest Dungeon 2. The Foetor is one of the most intimidating routes in Darkest Dungeon 2, filled with enemies who can heal themselves by cannibalising one another, making it much more difficult for players to defeat them. When you combine this with some hard-hitting beasts and a slew of blight-slinging baddies, it’s no surprise that some players avoid this area as much as possible at the start of their journey.

To make matters worse, an enticing boss awaits players as they make their way through the Foetor’s Lair. Here’s how to find and defeat the Harvest Child boss in Darkest Dungeon 2 to give newcomers a fighting chance.

Where Can I Find The Harvest Child?

To find and defeat the Harvest Child, players must choose the Foetor path while at an Inn. There are usually only a few paths available from this screen, so it may take several runs to gain access to the Foetar, but as a main path, it appears fairly frequently.

Once in the Foetar, players must find the Lair for the zone, aptly named the “Harvest House.” This massive dungeon-like structure will feature two battles against regular enemies, followed by a final battle against the Harvest Child itself.

It is recommended that players stock up on healing items and stress relievers because just getting to the boss can be difficult for some.

How to beat the Harvest Child Lair boss in Darkest Dungeon 2 - Gamepur

What Can The Harvest Child Boss Do?

The Harvest Child is a hulking boss resembling a baby emerging from a Cornucopia. To make matters worse, the boss has access to two piles of strange, disgusting-looking meat, which all combine to create a rather stomach-turning boss battle in which players will be fighting for their lives against a tantalising foe.

Despite its intimidating appearance, the Harvest Child only has one specialised mechanic that players must be aware of. The piles of Fetid Meat and Putrid Meat that spawn alongside the boss are central to this mechanic. Despite the fact that they are inanimate objects, they have their own “turn” on the attack order list and will fill the air with a sickeningly sweet odour.

If a player fails to resist the Sickeningly Sweet “attack,” they will be put into a catatonic state in which they will push past other players (swapping their team order) in a race to the front of the line. If they succeed, players will be forced to use a newly acquired skill called Feed the Hunger to command them to chow down on the pile of offending meat. When a character is forced to use this skill, they take one stress damage and lose 15% of their maximum HP.

The safest way to help players resist the siren song of the meaty sub-enemies is to completely eliminate them. Once they’re gone, it’s much easier to concentrate on the Harvest Child and reap the benefits.

Stats For The Harvest Child

Here’s a look at the Harvest Child’s base stats:

  • 120 HP
  • 1 Speed


  • 10 Bleed
  • 60 Blight
  • 10 Burn
  • Stun
  • Move
  • Debuff
  • 33 Deathblow Resistance
How to Defeat the Harvest Child Lair In Darkest Dungeon 2: Boss Fight Guide

Tips To Defeat The Harvest Child Boss

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Here are some of the smartest things players can do when confronted with the Harvest Child boss to help them win the battle against the seductive Siren-like monster:

  • Teams that have a high damage output or are capable of stacking Burn and Bleed can ignore the Meat surrounding the Harvest Child and instead attack it directly. Defeating the Harvest Child will end the encounter immediately.
  • The main objective during this fight for “slower teams” is to quickly eliminate the Fetid and Putrid Meat that spawn with the Harvest Child. The faster that players clear out these two sub-enemies, the easier the fight becomes.
  • Blight resistance goes a long way in this fight as some of the Harvest Child’s attacks are capable of applying some pretty hefty Blight afflictions onto characters.
  • Paracelsus (The Plague Doctor) is incredibly helpful in this fight (and most other fights) as she’s capable of healing and removing Blight (although it’s important to note players can only use Battlefield Medicine three times in one battle).
  • Players should carry Blight Removal and Healing items into the fray, as stacking Blight can quickly drag a character to Death’s Door should the fight drag on.
  • Keeping characters from reaching the front of the line is paramount to keeping them sane.
  • Jester is incredibly helpful for this fight thanks to their ability to remove Stress from characters.
  • Players should consider upgrading Paracelsus’ Ounce of Prevention ability with a Mastery Point prior to entering the battle against the Harvest Child as it gives characters access to Blight Resistance while simultaneously removing one Stress (from everyone, each use).

How To Defeat The Harvest Child Boss In Darkest Dungeon 2