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How To Get A Wonder Victory

How To Get A Wonder Victory In Age Of Empires 4

How To Get A Wonder Victory In Age Of Empires 4 . There are a couple of ways to win a skirmish match in Age of Empires 4. One of these methods is a Wonder Victory, a win condition that longtime franchise fans will be familiar with. The premise is straightforward: construct a Wonder and defend it for a set period of time.

Depending on the difficulty of the opponents, however, achieving goal may easier said than done. Building and defending a Wonder takes time and some forethought. Following these general tips and strategies, especially for new players, should make securing a Wonder Victory a breeze.

Victory Is The Object Of A Wonder

The win condition that distinguishes a Wonder Victory is simple. For 15 minutes, players must build a Wonder (preferably somewhere safe) and defend it from enemy attacks. The match is over when either the player or the opponent meets this condition first.

If the opponent completes their Wonder first, players must destroy it before the countdown reaches zero. When the player’s Wonder built, opponents become extremely aggressive in their attempts to destroy it. When either party builds a Wonder, the other is notified. Destroying a Wonder, of course, causes the timer to stop.

How To Construct A Wonder

First and foremost, only during the Imperial Age Wonders constructed (IV). Players can begin a match at any age they want. A result, depending on the settings, progressing through the ages may required. A Wonder, like any other structure in the game, built by Villagers. They’re quite large, so make sure to leave enough space if building it inside one’s own base.

Building wonders is an expensive endeavour. To built, they require 3,000 units of each resource (Food, Gold, Stone, and Wood). As a result, players must prioritise the economy from the start of their conflict.

Beginner Techniques for a Fantastic Victory

Because securing a Wonder Victory is dependent on a successful defence, the English are the obvious choice. This is a defensive-minded faction that also benefits from a strong farming economy, making Food easy to obtain.

Most importantly, the English can use their Network of Castles ability, which significantly increases the effectiveness of troops stationed near Keeps, Outposts, Towers, and Town Centers. Once established, the English are difficult to dislodge.

First and foremost, prioritise food production.

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The English have a better chance of quickly accumulating a food reserve than most other civilizations. Farms are less expensive to build for them, and planting them near Mills results in the player netting even more Food. Because both villagers and military units require food, putting this resource first is a logical first step. Always play to the strengths of the civilization you’ve chosen.

The Collection of Stones Is Critical

Because building defences is one of the English civilization’s strengths, stone production is also very important. Stone collaborated to build all of these defences.

A thriving economy

The key to winning any type of match is to keep the economy running smoothly. A group of 40 Villagers is usually sufficient, though playing against aggressive human opponents will necessitate a larger group. Build a lot of houses to raise the population cap, and sell excess resources at a market to get what you need.

The Wonder’s Defense

Attempt to secure an easy-to-defend area of the map and ensure that enemies can only attack from one direction. Bring them into “kill zones,” where they will have no choice but to face Keeps, Towers, and Stone Walls. Here are some defence suggestions:

How To Get A Wonder Victory In Age Of Empires 4