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Mitama Weakness In Shin Megami Tensei V

Mitama Weakness In Shin Megami Tensei V

Mitama Weakness In Shin Megami Tensei V If you’ve played any Megami Tensei games previously, Persona notwithstanding, you’re no question acquainted with the Mitamas. The four Mitamas are in an unexpected way shaded magatama stones with particular countenances. At times, they’re customary, recruitable evil presences, while different occasions they fill more utilitarian needs. The Mitamas in Shin Megami Tensei V fall into the last class, however to benefit yourself of their utilities, you’ll need to do a touch of critical thinking. This is what you really want to know about Shin Megami Tensei V Mitama shortcoming.

Dissimilar to different evil spirits you experience in Shin Megami Tensei V, the Mitamas can’t be selected to your side; if you attempt to converse with them, they’ll simply overlook you. All things considered, the Mitamas go about as kind of prize experiences;

Shin Megami Tensei V Mitama Weakness

Shin Megami Tensei V Mitama Shortcoming

Here’s how to defeat a Mitama in Shin Megami Tensei V:

  1. Buy a Spyglass from Gustave
  2. Use the Spyglass against a Mitama to reveal its weakness
  3. Attack the weakness to kill it instantly

To make matters interesting, Mitamas don’t have static shortcomings; they change each time you experience them, so regardless of whether you surmise their shortcoming accurately one time, it’ll be distinctive the following time. Fortunately, there’s a simple arrangement here: Spyglasses. These things will quickly uncover a foe’s affinities when utilized, and you can get them from Gustave for a measly 100 Macca a pop. Toward the beginning of your turn, simply utilize a Spyglass to really take a look at the Mitama’s shortcoming, then, at that point, accepting you have an evil presence with the right ability, impact it and it’ll bite the dust quickly.

Each type of Mitama yields a different reward upon defeat. Those rewards are:

  • Ara Mitama (Red): Grimoires, items that grant a demon enough XP to level up once
  • Nigi Mitama (Blue): Small Glory Crystals, items that grant 10 Glory upon use
  • Saki Mitama (Yellow): Rare Relics you can sell to Gustave for Macca
  • Kushi Mitama (Grey): Gospel, items that grant your protagonist enough XP to level up once

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Mitama Weakness In Shin Megami Tensei V