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Farming Simulator 22 How To Manually Save

Farming Simulator 22 : How To Manually Save

Farming Simulator 22 :  How To Manually Save. Even in simple mode, Farming Simulator 22 is a difficult game that does not hold your hand. While it includes an autosave feature, it appears to simply save your progress at random intervals, and it’s not clear how to save your progress manually. That’s why we’ve created this guide to assist you with manually saving whenever you choose, guaranteeing that you never lose a day’s worth of work on your farm.

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For the first couple of hours playing the game, we looked for the manual save button. It could have been due to colorblindness, but we couldn’t see anything until we noticed some little lettering beneath the main feature screen in the menu. There are three alternatives here: one to close the menu, another to leave the game, and a third to save.

On the PS5, which is what we used to play the game, you must save by tapping the square button. This will vary depending on the platform. When you press the save button, a little prompt appears to indicate that the game is saving your progress. After that, the prompt will vanish, returning you to the menu screen. You can now close the option and continue farming for a bit longer, confident in the knowledge that your progress up to this point has been saved.

Farming Simulator 22 : How To Manually Save