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Genshin Impact Alice Release Date Age Voice

Genshin Impact Alice Release Date Age Voice

Genshin Impact Alice Release Date Age Voice. Alice Genshin Impact has been mentioned numerous times during the game. She’s rumoured to be one of the most powerful adventurers, and we wouldn’t be surprised if she turned out to be a five-star character.

While the game introduces a slew of new characters, such as Shenhe and Itto, players are still focused on Alice’s backstory. Here’s all we know about Alice so far, including her appearance, age, vision, and power, as well as a slew of other intriguing details.

Alice mentioned by Genshin Impact characters

There is a wealth of facts concerning this great adventurer strewn over Teyvat. Alice Genshin Impact could be an elf or from another realm like Lumine/Aether, according to some gamers.

However, not everything about her is vague. A part of her has been out in the open thanks to the mentions of other in-game characters.

Alice and Klee

While fans joked that Klee is the secret child of Diluc and Jean, Alice is in fact Klee’s mother.

Alice entrusted her daughter to the Knights of Favonius. It is also mentioned that Klee takes after Alice from the appearance to the free-spirited personality.

Moreover, her mother not only assisted her in the design of the adorable explosives, but she also built a full playground for her. The games on the Golden Apple Archipelago island, as well as other unusual events that occurred there, caused by Alice’s fiddling.

The fact that she went to such lengths merely to provide Klee with a wonderful summer demonstrates Alice’s strength in comparison to other vision holders.

Alice is Mona’s master rival

Mona mentioned in her storey that she is looking for her master’s rival’s disciple. When she arrives in Mondstadt, she meets Klee and taken aback by how young she is.

Alice Genshin Impact was an astrology expert who rivalled Mona’s powers, according to evidence.

Alice inspired Barbara

One of the many interesting things about Alice is how she shared the Sister with Idol Magazine, which encouraged her to pursue a career as an idol. That’s when Barbara came up with the idea of forming a “Teyvat Idols!” group by recruiting an idol from each Teyvat nation.

Alice traveled with Zhongli

It’s a fact that Zhongli is Rex Lapis in human form and has been wandering around history since forever. Zhongli actually met Alice and traveled alongside her for a while when she was in Liyue.

Albedo taught Albedo alchemy

Alice was also mentioned in one of Albedo’s character stories. She taught Albedo about alchemy at some point. In The Knights of Favonious, she was also the individual that designated Albedo as an alchemist.

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Alice Genshin Impact theory

Apart from all the facts confirmed by developers, many rumors have been going on surrounding Alice age and appearance.

She is probably over 50

One of the more perplexing notions is the Alice age. She might be anywhere between 50 and 70 years old, based on the information provided by the players. Given that she has been exploring for a long time, the number may be higher.

She may belong to an unmentioned race

Another piece of Alice lore that admirers can’t get their brains around is her race. Revealed that she and Klee are from a long-lived race with the launch of the Golden Apple Archipelago questline.

Alice does not like Hilichurls

Alice seemed to be having issues with the Hilichurls. She also recommended that these foes used to generate energy for the windmills. Despite the fact that her peers were against the proposal, Alice found it difficult to feel sorry for her foes. Furthermore, she may have a penchant for destroying Hilichurl camps in search of wealth.

Alice’s element

Due to her explosive personality, a majority believe that Alice may be a Pyro user, similar to her little daughter Klee

She can detect magic

Alice appears to have a considerably more powerful elemental vision than the ordinary individual. She even sensed the presence of evil seething beneath Liyue’s skin. Many players believe she has a vision that improves her abilities as a result of this.

Will Alice be playable?

Despite the fact that she is not currently a playable character, her appearance in the game is very likely. We can see Alice as a well-known adventurer and an influential figure to many characters in Mondtstadt based on the many speculations and facts.

The release date for Genshin Impact Alice has yet to determined. Until the official debut of this tale, we may have to wait for a slew of other character releases, such as Yunjin and Varka.

Alice Genshin Impact voice actor

Only the Japanese voice actress for Alice has revealed thus far, leaving the Korean and English voice performers in the dark.

Kikuko Inoue, who also lent her voice to the Japanese version of Lady Dimitrescu in Resident Evil Village, plays this character. Her Chinese voice said to Qi Zhang.

Genshin Impact Alice Release Date Age Voice