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Cookie Run Kingdom How To Get Frost Queen Cookie

Cookie Run Kingdom: How To Get Frost Queen Cookie

Cookie Run Kingdom: How To Get Frost Queen Cookie. In most gacha games, the cold hard truth is that if you’re unlucky enough, you might never get something you want. Fortunately, Cookie Run Kingdom has included some methods that allow players to unlock even the best cookies if they are willing to put in some effort. And the Frost Queen, a new cookie, is capturing the attention of every player. We’ll show you how to get the brand new legendary Frost Queen Cookie in Cookie Run Kingdom without spending a dime.

Before we begin, keep in mind the old adage that “nothing good in life is free.” It applies to many aspects of life, including the Cookie Run Kingdom game. You no longer have to pay anything.

In Cookie Run Kingdom, how do you get the Frost Queen Cookie?

Frost Queen Cookie can obtained for free in Cookie Run Kingdom by purchasing Frost Queen Soulstones from the Rainbow Shell Gallery with Rainbow Pearls. It will take some time because you can only buy one Soulstone every three days, and it will alternate between Sea Fairy and Frost Queen. That means you can get one Soulstone every six days, and each cookie costs 20 Soulstones.

To get to the Rainbow Shell Gallery, you’ll need Touc’s Trade Harbor. Touc’s Trade Harbor made available as part of the June 22, 2021 update. You can get it by reaching Cookie Castle Level 8 and upgrading the Trading Port, as well as expanding your territory to the appropriate location. One feature of the harbour is the ability to exchange Rainbow Pearls for Cookie Soulstones, which is how you can obtain new cookies, including Legendaries!

If you are a newer player, you must work toward this goal if you want to use the Rainbow Shell Gallery.

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Frost Queen Cookie’s gacha prices

Of course, it’s also possible to get lucky and pull a Frost Queen Cookie from one of the gacha banners, especially during the Frost Crystal event. To draw cookies, the latter requires Frost Crystals, an event-exclusive currency.

Frost Crystal Gacha is 0.301 percent for the Frost Queen Cookie and 1.0 percent for the Frost Queen Cookie’s Soulstones. There also a 250 summon pity, so you guaranteed to get the Frost Queen Cookie after 250 draws.

Frost Queen Cookie a 0.054 percent chance of drawn by the standard banner, and Frost Queen Cookie’s Soulstones have a 0.305 percent chance of drawn by the standard banner. As you can see, the standard banner has a much lower rate, so if you’re looking for Frost Queen specifically, I’d recommend

Cookie Run Kingdom: How To Get Frost Queen Cookie