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Best Way To Find Gold In Minecraft

Best Way To Find Gold In Minecraft

Best Way To Find Gold In Minecraft.Minecraft’s version of gold has always been useful, just like real-world gold. While Emerald has replaced gold as the trading currency, users can still use gold to trade for rare items with piglins. The spawn location of gold in Minecraft has changed with the 1.18 update. In this article, we’ll show you the five simplest ways to find gold in Minecraft 1.18.

Loot from village chests

In Minecraft buildings, gold ingots, the most useful kind of gold, spawn in village chests and treasure chests. Village chests are free to open and loot, unlike treasure chests, which require exploring structures and defeating enemies.

This is one of the simplest methods for obtaining gold to begin your Minecraft adventure. Both the temple and weaponsmith chests in Minecraft villages have a 25% chance of containing gold ingots, with the toolsmith chests having a 10% chance.

Farm piglins/zombified piglins

When adult piglins are killed, they have an 8.5 percent chance of dropping their golden weapon or armour. This risk rises by 1% with each level of looting. Random enchantments can be applied to armour components and weapons.

Zombified piglins have a 2.5 percent chance of dropping gold ingots when defeated by a player or a tamed wolf. They can also drop gold nuggets or gold weapons, however their drop rates are significantly lower than that of typical piglins. Players can either build a piglin farm or simply kill them with a looting enchanted weapon.

Treasure chests

In fiction, gold-filled treasure chests are a common sight, and Minecraft is no different. While exploring the game’s buildings, especially the Nether Fortresses, End Cities, and Bastion Remnants, players can uncover gold ingots spawning in various treasure boxes.

The general guideline is that the riskier the construction, the more likely you are to find gold. The gold ingot spawn rate for all treasures in the game is listed below:

Java EditionBedrock Edition
Buried Treasure chests88%34.3%
End City chests55%52.3%
Jungle Temple chests51%50.9%
Nether Fortress chests49%49%
Bastion Remnant chests33.7%26.5%

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Nether Gold Ore

Nether gold ore is a type of gold ore that can only be discovered in the Nether. It appears as blobs in the Nether, ranging in height from 10 to 117. Nether gold ore may be found in all Nether biomes. Basalt deltas are the most difficult to mine because they have the fewest blobs.

When you mine Nether gold ore with any pickaxe, you’ll obtain 2-6 gold nuggets. With Fortune III, players can earn a maximum of 24 golden nuggets, although it’s recommended to use silk touch and smelting.

Overworld Gold Mining

In Minecraft 1.18, overworld mining proved to be the most effective method for locating gold. Deepslate gold ore is a new block that spawns in all biomes of the overworld, from layers 0 to 32. Players can immediately dig down and begin mining.

Efficiency and Fortune are two enchantments that could help speed up this process.

Best Way To Find Gold In Minecraft