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How To Get Gleamite In New World Gleamite Locations

How To Get Gleamite In New World: Gleamite Locations

How To Get Gleamite In New World: Gleamite Locations. The Winter Convergence Festival, which takes place from December 16th to January 11th, is New World’s first winter holiday celebration. In addition to the event, the game launched Winter Tokens, a special currency that allows players to trade them for limited-time, one-of-a-kind goodies, and the easiest way to get a number of tokens is to know how and where to get Gleamite.

Everything You Need To Know About Gleamite

Players will assigned by the Winter Wanderer in the Winter Village to mine a fallen Gleamite crystal if they complete the Winter Convergence Festival questline in New World. Though the Winter Wanderer will mark a Gleamite Shard location on their map for ease of quest completion, this isn’t the best approach to collect this new resource.

Gleamite meteors may appear in the skies above Aeternum as night sets, and they’re an omen for the new Gleamite Showers dynamic event. Gleamite Showers litter a random area in Aeternum with Gleamite Chunks, a new resource node in New World through which players get Gleamite. They only happen after midnight and end at the break of morning.

Gleamite Chunks can dispersed in multiple areas at simultaneously, and the sites have no visible or expected pattern. The Gleamite may discovered in the location where the meteor exploded into smaller fragments, and the event. Which occurs at night, is impossible to miss with its magnificent show of colour. Gleamite Chunks can identified as tall, multi-colored crystals popping out of the ground after players arrive at one of these spots in New World.

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After mining their fill of gleamite crystals, players can exchange them for a single. Winter Token at the nearest Winter Village inside the Holiday Hut. Which can then redeemed for exclusive Winter Convergence Festival goodies.

How To Get Gleamite In New World: Gleamite Locations

Despite the recent spate of hostility in New World. Most players have enthralled by the beauty of Gleamite Showers, recording multiple videos or taking countless images. Of their impact and sharing them with the community on social media. The event’s simplicity and concrete prizes have also praised. With gamers expressing their want to see more events like this in the future.

Keeping their eyes to the sky at night will no doubt provide. A lot of joy to those who call Aeternum home this winter.