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How To Switch Weapons In God of War

How To Switch Weapons In God of War. God of War’s ability to switch weapons during combat is a feature that will allow for more fluid and dazzling combos. Switching between Kratos’ armament will add variation to your encounters, and you’ll occasionally require the correct tool for the task. Kratos has an axe that can be donned and sheathed by pressing right on the d-pad on PlayStation or the number keys on PC.

How to Switch Weapons in God of War

Before you continue reading, keep in mind that we’re about to unveil Kratos’ second weapon in God of War, which some fans may consider a spoiler. If you wish to start the game fresh, don’t read any further.

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Kratos also has his Blades of Chaos, which can equipped and sheathed by pressing the left d-pad button. These are an iconic symbol of God of War. And any foe who dares to stare in Kratos’ direction will be utterly destroyed.

By clicking left or right on the d-pad, you can switch between these weapons. Kratos will to assault adversaries with his bare fists when a weapon sheathed. Enabling for some very nasty combat engagements. The switch between Kratos’ weaponry and his fists will add to the spectacle in this God of War instalment. In fights, make sure to switch characters frequently to gain a feel for the fight.