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Gypsum Kiln Locations In New World

Gypsum Kiln Locations In New World. Gypsum is a new item type that introduced in the New World version 1.1.2 to allow players more control over their item Expertise. The item is part of the redesigned High Water Mark (HWM) system, and it will be a key component in raising your gear score level for specific items. You’ll need to know where to find a Gypsum Kiln in New World before you can use the Gypsum.

Gypsum can used to make Gypsum Orb, which can then used to make Gypsum Casts. Any Kiln station in Aeternum can complete the procedure. Many gamers may be curious about the Gypsum Kiln locations in New World because this is a new sort of crafting station. All of the locations mentioned below.

New World Gypsum Kiln Locations

Gypsum Kilns are located exclusively in level 60 zones, including:

  • Ebonscale Reach
  • Edengrove
  • Great Cleave
  • Reekwater
  • Shattered Mountains

On the map, the Gypsum Kiln appears as any other sort of workstation. Take a peek at your map and look for the Kiln icon in any of the settlements listed above. Each of the Gypsum Kiln locations listed below.

Also Read: New World Honing Stones Locations

Ebonscale Reach

In Ebonscale Reach, the Gypsum Kiln is in the heart of the settlement.


Because Edengrove has two settlements, there are two Gypsum Kilns: Last Stand Outpost and Valor Hold Outpost. Last Stand Outpost’s kiln (shown on the left) is located in the heart of the settlement. The kiln in Valor Hold Outpost (shown on the right) is located on the town’s east side.

Cleave of Great Cleave

Because there are two outposts in Great Cleave: Cleave’s Point (left) and Eastburn Outpost (right), there are two Gypsum Kilns (right). Given the size of these settlements, both are easy to locate.


The Reekwater Gypsum Kiln is located on the west side of town, near the settlement’s exit bridge.

Shattered Mountains

In Shattered Mountains, there are two Gypsum Kilns, one for each settlement. The kilns can found in Mountainhome Outpost’s center and Mountainrise Outpost’s east side.

What Gypsum Kilns used for in New World?

Gypsum Kiln used to manufacture Gypsum Orbs, which utilized to make Gypsum Casts. Casts for certain weapon types can crafted, and the Expertise Level for that weapon type can increased. It’s part of the Expertise system, a newly redesigned High Water Mark system.

In short, if you want to improve your gear score, you’ll have to spend a lot of time at kilns. You’re one step closer to finding Gypsum Kilns in New World now that you know where to look.

Gypsum Kiln Locations In New World