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Where To Find The Kindergartners In South Park: The Stick Of Truth

Where To Find The Kindergartners In South Park: The Stick Of Truth. In South Park: The Stick of Truth, there are a variety of side missions. One of which involves the new kid playing hide & seek with a group of kindergarteners. Filmore in the Kids’ Park near the Bijou Theater gives out the appropriately called “Hide ‘n’ Seek”. Which can unlocked fairly early in the game.

To complete the side mission, players must locate six kindergarteners. Who are hiding in various prominent sites throughout the town of South Park. Thankfully, there is no time constraint, so gamers won’t have to worry too much about tracking down the small terrors.

How to Start the Hide ‘n’ Seek Side Quest in South Park: The Stick of Truth

To begin the Hide ‘n’ Seek side quest, simply go to the basketball court in the park near. The Bijou Theater and talk to Filmore. He the small black-haired boy wearing a red t-shirt with a yellow truck on it. For anyone having difficulties finding him. As soon as he sees you, he and his five pals scatter across South Park. The game begins in earnest.

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Where to Find the Kindergartners in South Park: The Stick of Truth

As previously stated, there is no time restriction for finding the kids. There is no precise order in which they must found. With this in mind, the kindergarteners have listed alphabetically below, along with their localities. After finding all six, players in South Park. The Stick of Truth will only need to return to Filmore at the basketball court to claim their prizes.

BillyBilly is at the farm and can be found in the bottom left-hand corner of the large cow pen.
FilmoreTo find Filmore, players will need to head inside the bank and then look behind the counter opposite the main entrance.
FloraFlora is hiding behind a lamppost between the Tower of Peace and City Wok.
JennyJenny can be found in a hidden grove near Stark’s Pond, the path to which is behind a pile of logs near the entrance to the church.
QuaidQuaid is down in the sewers behind the pile of debris that’s nearest to the News Office sewer entrance.
SallySally is hiding behind a tree to the left of Mr. Slave’s garage.

What Are the Rewards for Finding the Kindergartners in South Park: The Stick of Truth?

Players will receive $2.50 after returning to Filbert and completing the objective. All six kindergartners will add them as a Facebook friend, making this an excellent way for players to increase. Their total number of friends early in the game. The side mission, on the other hand, can performed at any time. Which is more than can said for some of the side tasks in the game’s sequel. The Fractured But Whole.

Where To Find The Kindergartners In South Park: The Stick Of Truth