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How To Complete Electrical Room Tasks In Among Us

How To Complete Electrical Room Tasks In Among Us. The Electrical Room found on almost every map in Among Us, and it offers a variety of activities for crewmates to do.

When it peaked in popularity in 2020, Among Us was one of the most popular deception games of all time, sweeping the globe. Since then, the game has grown to incorporate different areas and roles for players to experiment with in order to keep it interesting.

However, just as being a good impostor is crucial, being a good crewmate is much more important. To do so, players must understand how to complete particular tasks in each map’s numerous chambers. The Electrical Room is a room that appears in Among Us and always has a handful of chores in it, regardless of the map.

Fix Wiring

If there is one task in the game that deemed iconic, it is the “Fix Wiring” task, which is one of the most popular. In both The Skeld and Polus maps, the Electrical room used for this duty. If players required to repair wiring in the Electrical room, it will always the first of numerous rooms in which they must complete the assignment.

Players will see four cables on each side of the screen when they click on the wiring panel. These wires must electrical Room Tasks dragged to match the colour and/or symbol on the other side. After completing the wire work, players will need to visit other rooms on the map to continue the wire task.

Distributor Calibration

Calibrate Distributor is one of the easier chores to do, albeit it does require some patience. Both the Skeld and the Airship’s Electrical Rooms are capable of performing this function. It’s the only assignment on this list that doesn’t include more than one stage.

When you open the Distributor, you’ll see three nodes. Each node has an indication and a cable that connects it to the rest of the system. The idea is for the players to hit the button under the bar at the proper time to line up each indicator with the wire. This done one node at a time, and if the player makes a mistake, they must restart the task from the beginning.

Power Shift

The Divert Power job may found in the Electrical Room on both The Skeld and the Airship maps. The first stage will always occur in the Electrical Room, with the second stage occurring at random throughout the map.

In the first stage, players will encounter a panel with a row of switches and a monitor that displays electrical power flows. One of the sliders lighted, which players will notice. Push this one up and then proceed to the room where the power turned on (indicate by symbols above each slider). To complete the assignment in the next room, players must just click on the fuse.

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Download Data

The Download and Upload Data chores in Among Us are another notable task. The Electrical room one of numerous places where a player asked to download data, but uploading data always takes place in the same spot on each map. On The Skeld or Polus, this responsibility assigned to the Electrical chamber.

Players will prompted to begin the download when they approach the screen in the room. It’s only a matter of waiting for the download progress metre to fill up. This could take up to eight seconds at the most. Then, following the same instructions, players must go to either the Admin room (The Skeld) or the Communications room (Polus) to upload the data.Reset BreakersReset Breakers

Reset Breakers

Reset Breakers, the game’s third-longest mission, features seven levels and is exclusive to The Airship. It entails attempting to navigate the Electrical room despite the fact that there are several doors in the path. This can a stressful duty because moving between rooms is random every time, and being dragged away for a meeting might cause players to fall behind.

The task, however, is rather straightforward. There are seven levers in the room, each with a number above it. Simply pull down each lever in the correct order to complete the game. The task will reset if you pull the wrong lever. The job finished once all of the levers have been pulled in the proper order.

On iOS, Android, PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch, Among Us is available.

How To Complete Electrical Room Tasks In Among Us