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Best Weapons For Thoma In Genshin Impact

Best Weapons For Thoma In Genshin Impact. In Genshin Impact, characters can play a variety of roles. Some units, such as Ganyu and Kokomi, are quite adaptable, while others, such as Gorou and Kujou Sara, are extremely specific. Meanwhile, Genshin Impact characters like Thoma fall somewhere in the middle, able to fit into a variety of teams but only playing one position.

Thoma is the most recent addition to the roster of shielders in Genshin Impact, where he, like Xinyan, uses Pyro shields. Kit, unlike the Liyue Rockstar’s, does not allow him to play as a primary DPS.

Thoma’s Best Weapons In Genshin Impact

1Thoma’s main duty in Genshin Impact is that of a shield support. He is the only character who can sustain 100% shield uptime without using a weapon effect as of version 2.5. (alongside Zhongli, of course). When his Elemental Burst is active, he also does damage on a regular basis. Players won’t have to worry about pairing him with characters like Hu Tao because this ability won’t take away the DPS’s Elemental Reaction.

Because Thoma’s shield is at its most powerful when his Elemental Burst is active, he heavily relies on it to help the squad. He can’t replenish his Burst on his own because of his low energy production. Players can either use an Energy Recharge weapon or team him with a Battery like Bennett to fix this.

This Energy problem, on the other hand, does not last. Players can concentrate on other metrics if Thoma returns four more times and unlocks his fourth Constellation. This is because once Thoma casts his Elemental Burst, his C4 grants 15 Energy.

Best Weapons For C0 Thoma

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Players should focus on a Polearm that increases Thoma’s Energy regeneration if he has no Constellation. So Energy Recharge (ER) weapons are the way to go.

  • Engulfing Lightning: In Genshin Impact, Engulfing Lightning is a 5-star Polearm. It’s great for the ER sub-stat as well as the damage bonus that scales with the stat. Furthermore, after casting Elemental Burst, the weapon raises the wielder’s ER even further, making it ideal for Thoma.
  • Favonius Lance: This 4-star item may require a heavenly Critical Rate sub-stat to operate, but if players can achieve a good Crit Rate, Thoma will boost not only his own Energy regeneration, but the entire team’s as well.

Best Weapons For C4 Thoma

Meanwhile, if players are able to obtain C4 Thoma, they should see how he performs without the Energy Recharge Polearm first. Travelers can shift his weapon to one that boosts his HP if his Elemental Burst fills up without a hitch.

  • Black Tassel: Although Black Tassel is a 3-star weapon in Genshin Impact, the HP sub-stat it provides is extremely valuable for shielders such as Thoma and Zhongli.
  • Meanwhile, the 5-star Homa is a more offensive alternative, with Thoma gaining both HP and ATK that scales with his HP. With this Polearm, the Housekeeper will deal more damage.

Best Weapons For Thoma In Genshin Impact