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Lost Ark:Mokoko Seed Locations In Stormcry Grotto

Lost Ark:Mokoko Seed Locations In Stormcry Grotto. The Stormcry Grotto dungeon in Lost Ark has a total of 12 Mokoko Seeds, and this guide will help players acquire them all.

While many of the Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark are simple to find, this is not the case for all of them. Seeds, for example, can found in the Stormcry Grotto dungeon and bound to cause problems for some players. This guide meant to assist those who having trouble collecting all of the Stormcry Grotto Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark.

One thing to keep in mind regarding the Stormcry Grotto Mokoko Seeds. That the last three only available when all of the dungeon’s bats and slimes have been defeated. This implies that players must be exceedingly careful as they progress through the Lost Ark dungeon. As these creatures are quite easy to overlook. If a fan reaches the final Mokoko Seeds and discovers that the path blocked, it recommended that they die to the final boss, resurrect at the beginning, and examine every region again.

Furthermore, players must ensure that they do not defeat the final boss before gathering. All of the Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds. Fans will be unable to return to the other portions of the dungeon after fighting that opponent, and they will have to clear Stormcry Grotto. All over again in order to access any Mokoko Seeds they may have missed.Lost Ark:Mokoko Seed Locations In Stormcry Grotto

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Mokoko Seed Locations in Lost Ark: Stormcry Grotto

  • 1: The first Mokoko Seed can found near the telescope, at the edge of the wooden deck.
  • 2: Look for this Mokoko Seed beside a gold pile and some chests on the ground.
  • 3&4: Travel up the green dot to a platform with two Mokoko Seeds by following. The path at the green dot. The first Seed is just in front of a tent. While the second is in the river splashing on the rocks.
  • 5: The fifth Mokoko Seed perched on the shattered bridge’s edge.
  • 6: This Mokoko Seed can found next to a table with few bottles on it by Lost Ark players.
  • 7&8: Jump off the main path at the spot on the map where the line originates. Continue on and up a flight of steps to board a ship that has both Mokoko Seeds.
  • 9: This Mokoko Seed is near a fancy gold plate with a skull on it on the ground.
  • 10,11,12: These are the Mokoko Seeds, which can only claimed after killing all of the bats and slimes, and MMORPG. Enthusiasts should pursue the secret path marked on the map above by a line. There is one Seed in the top-left corner, one near the couch in the top-right corner, and one near the ladder in the bottom-left corner of this path that leads into a treasure room.

The PC version of Raiders of the Lost Ark is now available.

Lost Ark:Mokoko Seed Locations In Stormcry Grotto