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How To Level Up Fast In Lost Ark

How To Level Up Fast In Lost Ark. Players in Amazon’s Lost Ark, like any other game with a content-rich endgame, want to know how to get to max level as quickly as possible.

In Lost Ark, levelling is the first of several challenges that players must overcome before reaching the endgame. Fortunately, levelling in Raiders of the Lost Ark is also a breeze. Solo content is simple to complete, and the MSQ is generous with experience, allowing players to quickly advance through the stages.

Characters in Raiders of the Lost Ark begin at level ten. The current soft cap is level 50, with a level 60 hard cap. Players should focus on attaining the level max as soon as possible because the major content doesn’t start until the end game, and rewards will be cycled out regularly until then.

Quest completion


Players will gain the most experience by completing the Main Story Quest, or MSQ. As a result, if the player’s goal is to level up, this should be prioritised. Players should be able to obtain level 40 just by finishing MSQ.

Side Quests

Side quests provide nearly as much experience as the MSQ and are reasonably easy to complete alongside the MSQ. Players should grab these whenever they come across them and knock them out for a substantial level boost.

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Sudden Quests

Several Sudden Quests will appear throughout the course of Lost Ark. These are similar to Final Fantasy 14’s FATEs. Despite the time constraint and restricted zones in which they must be performed, they are usually simple to complete. They provide more experience than side tasks, so they should always be completed when they arrive.

Utilize Speed Via Mounts To Level Faster

When it comes to levelling up rapidly in Lost Ark, speed is the word of the game. Before leaving the initial city, players are given a mount. The mount’s summon time is near-instant, hence it should be employed whenever possible to get around the vast maps rapidly. Use Triports to quickly traverse the map, as they are unlocked across the map. Yes, they have a price tag attached to them, but it’s a modest one that’s easy to justify.

When playing Lost Ark, the primary goal should be to unlock the final game. Many players will be farming Chaos Dungeons, Voyages, and Guardian Raids because the storey only drives so much of the content. However, multiplayer works well once the prologue is accomplished, but it isn’t actually useful until the conclusion. So, in order to get the most playtime and awards, it’s preferable to solo everything until you reach the level 50 soft cap. Bring some friends in at this time and tear the endgame apart.

The PC version of Raiders of the Lost Ark is now available.

How To Level Up Fast In Lost Ark