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Should You Save Hakon? In Dying Light 2

Should You Save Hakon? In Dying Light 2. Only Aiden can rescue Hakon’s life when he mortally wounded. Is his survival really best for Dying Light 2 based on his lies and deeds?

Players will make plenty of decisions over the course of an entire Dying Light 2 playthrough. Many, if not all, of these choices have only minor consequences for the plot. The majority of the differences are in flavour and role-playing rather than rewards or storey.

That isn’t to say that Dying Light 2 is devoid of important choices. Players must decide whether or not to save Hakon after he receives what appears to be a fatal blow. Be warned: there major spoilers ahead, as what happens with either option massive ramifications for the rest of the storey.

What Happens If Hakon “Dies”

Aiden will go silent if he leaves Hakon to die, and the players will continue their journey as usual. Aiden will still have to use his elite parkour skills to find the sniper in the immediate aftermath, but without Hakon’s assistance. Despite the fact that he presumed dead, Hakon survives.

Later in the game, he’ll reintroduced at a pivotal point, but things complicated from there. He’ll ask as a minor antagonist and focus on self-interests rather than being an ally. He’s a compelling villain, so those who want to see him in action might tempted to go with this option.

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Most importantly, there is no way to get the “best” ending if Hakon left to die. While there are a few variances, all of the endings are negative in some way. Lawan will perish, and the city will perish with him.

What Happens If Hakon Lives

If Hakon saved by Aiden, it possible (though not guaranteed) to get the best ending. In the short term, Hakon will try to atone for his lies and attempts to implicate innocent individuals for violent acts by guiding Aiden to the sniper.

After escaping from old Villedor, either option will result in a long period of radio silence. He resurfaces, and while he thanks Aiden, he still needs some gentle prodding to summon the heroism he’ll need to save the city, Lawan, and himself.

Dying Light 2 was released on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC on February 4th, 2022.

Should You Save Hakon? In Dying Light 2