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Yae Miko Best Builds In Genshin Impact

Yae Miko Best Builds In Genshin Impact. In Genshin Impact, the greatest builds for Yae Miko emphasise increasing her Elemental Skill damage.

Yae Miko is finally playable in Genshin Impact after five iterations of waiting. The Narukami Shrine’s Guuji is a Kitsune descendant, which explains her fox ears and tails. Yae manages a publishing firm in addition to being a head priest.

Yae Miko’s Genshin Impact build is simple because she doesn’t require any unique artefacts. While it’s quite likely that she’ll get her own set soon, for the time being, players will have to make do with hybrids of common artefacts.

Overview Of Yae Miko’s Skills

Yae Miko has one of the lowest Normal Attack multipliers among the Catalyst users in Genshin Impact, making her an unsuitable Main DPS. She’s best employed as a Sub-DPS off the field.

Elemental Abilities

When Yae Miko’s Elemental Skill is used, she will move in the direction specified, leaving a Sesshou Sakura behind. This fox turret will do damage to one enemy in the vicinity on a regular basis. A maximum of three Sesshou Sakura can be deployed on the field, and travellers can save up to three charges.

The turrets can have up to four levels, however the most level players can achieve at zero Constellation is level three. When a turret is nearby, Travelers can simply use the talent to improve their strength. This will connect the foxes and raise their level at the same time.

Different levels of Sesshou Sakuras can exist at the same time. If players cast the skill too far away from an existing turret, this can happen.

Elemental Burst

Elemental Burst by Yae Miko is a simple game. She conjures a bolt of lightning from the sky that deals enormous Electro damage. If there are any of her fox turrets on the field, they will all explode and deliver much more Electro damage. Yae Miko will acquire one charge of Elemental Skill for every Sesshou Sakura destroyed.

Yae Miko’s Best Artifacts In Genshin Impact

The standard Attack/Electro/Crit stats are the greatest to aim for on Yae Miko’s Artifacts. Because her Elemental Skill deals the majority of her damage, things that boost her Burst aren’t ideal.

Artifact Main Stat

  • Hourglass: Attack
  • Goblet: Electro Damage Bonus
  • Circlet: Critical Rate or Damage

Artifact Set

  • 2-Thundering Fury + 2-Gladiator’s Finale
  • 2-Shimenawa’s Reminiscence + 2-Gladiator’s Finale
  • 2-Wanderer’s Troupe + 2-Thundering Fury
  • 2-Thundering Fury + 2-Noblesse Oblige
  • 4-Thundering Fury
  • 4-Emblem of Severed Fate

If Attack is unavailable for Yae Miko, players can choose between an Elemental Mastery (EM) or an Energy Recharge (ER) Hourglass. If players are not using Elemental Reaction, ER is better, but EM is better in a Reaction team.

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Even if players are putting together an Elemental Reaction, Attack/Electro/Crit is still the best choice. People can, however, utilise EM/EM/EM as a substitute. The artefact set’s top two cards are 2-Wanderer’s Troupe + 2-Thundering Fury. Meanwhile, 4-Thundering Fury comes in fourth place, trailing only Noblesse Oblige and Emblem of Severed Fate in the top three.

Yae Miko’s Best Weapons In Genshin Impact

Yae Miko’s best weapon is, as expected, Kagura’s Verity. It gives her Elemental Skill, which is the highlight of her kit, a significant bonus. Mappa Mare is a good option for Yae Miko for F2P players. If the Catalyst is from gacha, the Widsith is also a great option.

  • Kagura’s Verity
  • Skyward Atlas
  • Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
  • The Widsith
  • Solar Pearl
  • Mappa Mare

Genshin Impact is now available on iOS, Android, PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. A Switch port is in the works.

Yae Miko Best Builds In Genshin Impact