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Furnishing Blueprint Vendor Locations In Genshin Impact

Furnishing Blueprint Vendor Locations In Genshin Impact. In Genshin Impact, players can employ a variety of furnishing blueprints to create objects for their houses inside the Serenitea Pot. Tubby the Teapot Spirit’s Realm Depot sells a lot of these blueprints, but it’s not the only place where you can get them. Outside of the teapot realm, you can buy several furniture blueprints with Mora from a couple of vendors, and this guide lists their locations.

Scott Vengel updated this page on February 20th, 2022: In the early stages of its development, Genshin Impact has been moving at a breakneck speed. From the first release on Seirai Island through Tsurumi Island to the most current advancements in Enkanomiya, Inazuma has seen new addition after new addition (in addition to the rumours about the Chasm and Sumeru). Surprisingly, the nation has had a significant influence on the Serenitea Pot’s furnishing system, in addition to additional amenities like as fishing. The format for Genshin Impact’s two furnishing blueprint sellers. As well as other methods of collecting furniture linked to Tsurumi Island, will be modified in this page.

Mondstadt – Ludwig Goth

Goth is the first furniture blueprint merchant in Genshin Impact. And he can be found among the windmills in the city of Mondstadt’s south end. This NPC has four blueprints available at the time of writing, each of which costs 50,000 Mora.

During the day, you can find Ludwig Goth, the namesake of the Goth Grand Hotel. The park to the south of the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. He offers four blueprints for sale, each costing either 25000 or 50000 Mora. These are some of them:

Deadwood Road Sign25,000
Simple Single-Person Tent50,000
Lightning Protective Tent50,000
Adventurer Camp50,000

Goth is only visible during the day, therefore if you don’t see him when you visit. The aforementioned place, simply set your in-game clocks.

Master Lu – Liyue

Master Lu is the second furniture blueprint merchant, and he can be found on the south side of Qingce Village. This NPC’s gifts cost 50,000 Mora apiece, similar to Goth’s, albeit Master Lu currently only has three blueprints.

Three blueprints, each costing 50000 Mora, are sold by Liyue’s private furnishings vendor. These are some of them:

“The Adventurer’s Burdens”50,000
Dialogue Twixt Ancient Tree and Rock50,000
Lone and Cautious Adventurer50,000

The following video should clear up any misconceptions for gamers. Who are having problems finding either of these vendors or simply want additional information on their blueprints.

In Genshin Impact, there are a variety of alternative ways to collect furniture sets in addition to furniture dealers. For example, players can buy furniture from their Serenitea Pot in the Realm Depot. As well as Chubby the Traveling Salesman, by achieving instructional goals. Furniture, on the other hand, can be obtained through the reputation system or by unlocking chests on Tsurumi Island.

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It’s worth noting that, while it’s possible that the blueprints sold by Goth and Master Lu would renew over time. There’s no evidence that this will happen right now. As a result, players should anticipate to purchase the majority of their blueprints from Tubby using Realm Currency. And fans should work to improve their Adeptal Energy Rank.

This is accomplished by adding new furnishings to a residence within the Serenitea Pot. Which increases the rate at which Realm Currency is accumulated.

One last point to highlight is that every weekend. A Teapot Traveling Salesman will visit players’ worlds, and they should have some additional blueprints for sale. Furthermore, it is speculated that this merchant may not offer the same stuff to all customers. And Genshin Impact fans will be able to travel to their friends’ home. To purchase items that are not available in their own realms.

Realm Currency is required to purchase the Teapot Traveling Salesman’s products. Therefore players should begin accumulating this currency as the weekend approaches.

Furnishing Blueprint Vendor Locations In Genshin Impact