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Horizon Forbidden West War Totems Totem of War Location 1024x576 2

War Totem Locations In Horizon Forbidden West

War Totem Locations In Horizon Forbidden West. While the open world of Horizon Forbidden West is enormous and filled with artefacts such as the Black Boxes, there are only a few War Totems to be found. We’ll go over all you need to know about finding all of the Horizon Forbidden West War Totems in this guide.

Horizon Forbidden West War Totems Locations

The War Totems are three figurines that aren’t marked on the map in any way. You can either seek them out on your own or follow a clue in the game that will take you to the War Totem.

War Totem Location #1 (Brotherhood)

The Totem of Brotherhood may be found in Jagged Deep, in No Man’s Land. You should go to the southern part of No Man’s Land. A Frost Glinthawk Site south of Latapolis is what you’re looking for. This is the same area as the primary quest in Death’s Door, and it’s southwest of The Spinebreak. Another hint to its location is the presence of a campfire nearby.

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Pay attention to Aloy’s remarks about a dead Widemaw. She’ll claim that it was killed with a hammer. Examine the hammer and use your Focus to find the Totem of Brotherhood by following the pink trail.

War Totem Location #2 (Totem of War)

At the Sand of the Sentinels, the Totem of War can found. Look east of the Greenhouse, near the starting point of the Seeds of the Past main quest. Ascend the mountain. You must locate a street where an Axe has left. There are some paths that will take you away from this site and to a Sunwing Site. To go to this area, you’ll need to use Pullcast. You must first battle with a Stalker before using your Focus to follow the path leading to the War Totem.

War Totem Location #3 (Totem of Youth)

The Totem of Youth, the final War Totem, is located on the Isle of Spires. This place is only accessible late in the game as part of the main mission. Find a Snapmaw Site in the north-east when you arrive on the island. There are two palm trees on the beech with arrows in them. Find a nearby bow, inspect it, then use your Focus on it. The trail will eventually lead you to the last totem.

That’s all there is to know about finding all of the totems in Horizon Forbidden West. Do you require additional assistance? See also Charger Horns Farming, Override Machines, and Black Box Locations.

War Totem Locations In Horizon Forbidden West