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how to play the northern provinces faction in total war warhammer 3

How To Play The Northern Provinces Faction In Total War: Warhammer 3

How To Play The Northern Provinces Faction In Total War: Warhammer 3. Total War: Warhammer 3 is now available, bringing the epic cooperation between Creative Assembly and Games Workshop to a close. The new game takes players from snow-covered Kislev through the Chaos Realms and beyond to distant Cathay. Total War Warhammer 3 has unveiled several information about the Chinese-inspired realm of Grand Cathay, which never completely explored in Games Workshops’ tabletop game.

Players that chose Grand Cathay will control a Dragon Emperor’s child, immortal dragons who can transform into humans. Zhao Ming is the ruler of Cathay’s Western Provinces, while his elder sister Miao Ying is the ruler of Cathay’s Northern Provinces. Miao Ying’s starting location puts her right up against the Great Bastion, and players will need to make use of all of Grand Cathay’s special abilities to stave off the Chaos tide.

Maintaining Harmony

Harmony is Cathay’s initial campaign mechanic, and it’s all about striking a balance between Yin and Yang. Many of Cathay’s buildings, technologies, and lords are Yin or Yang aligned, and their construction, research, or recruitment will have an impact on the nation’s harmony. Maintaining a balance between the two forces is critical to Miao Ying’s victory, as the rewards for success are substantial, and the consequences for straying too far to one side are equally severe.

It can difficult to maintain perfect Harmony with Technologies and Buildings finishing every turn, but those who do will rewarded with substantial bonuses to Growth, Income, Control, Untainted Corruption, Diplomatic Relations, and the capacity to bring Ancestors into battle. Drifting too far to one side will result in increasingly severe Control penalties, but it will also increase income and reduce the construction cost of structures aligned with the opposing force, making it simpler to restore balance.

If Miao Ying is successful in achieving Harmony in the Northern Provinces, it is a good idea for him to focus on unaligned Technologies and Buildings in order to keep the bonus for as long as feasible.

The Great Bastion And The Wu Xing Compass

Cathay’s empire, like its historical counterpart, protected from intruders by a massive wall. The Great Bastion, which stretches from Wei Jin to Nan Gau, keeps the Chaos Gods at bay. Protecting the Bastion is an important aspect in Miao Ying’s campaign as Lord of the Northern Provinces, and players should focus on restoring the ruined Snake Gate in the first few turns.

The threat to the Great Bastion will grow over time, increased by the destruction of one of the gates or the massing of Chaos forces outside, and culminate in a catastrophic invasion when it reaches its peak. Miao Ying players who do not wish to devote their forces to an indefinite defence must quickly build up the gates’ garrisons in order to defend themselves.

The Wu Xing Compass, another of Cathay’s unique turn-based mechanics. One of the finest ways to gain extra Growth to build up the gates. When the Compass oriented in one of four directions, it activates a separate active bonus. In addition, three of the directions have energy stores that provide various advantages.

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When the Compass pointed in their direction, these reserves grow up, steadily deplete when it isn’t. As a result, it’s a good idea for players to switch the Compass’s orientation whenever it becomes accessible. Order to maintain as many reserves as possible filled up.

The Ivory Road

Miao Ying’s money will swiftly depleted by maintaining armies, establishing cities, and bolstering the Great Bastion. The Ivory Road, fortunately, is Cathay’s final unique mechanism. Allowing players to send trade caravans as far as the Ice Court of Tzarina Katarin. The Ivory Road available right away when you start the game, and suggested that you use it right away.

Players must choose a Caravan Master, assign him cargo, and choose a location before dispatching a caravan. The caravan’s itinerary, as well as the risks associated, will shown on the Ivory Road map.

Caravans will journey to their destination automatically, encountering a variety of events along the road, some pleasant and some negative. Resulting in everything from bandit battles to new recruits for the Caravan Master’s army. Other factions can attack the caravan if it comes within their range. Making sending a convoy through enemy territory extremely perilous. It’s also risky to send a caravan during the 15-turn times when Chaos Rifts appear over the map. As daemonic incursions are likely to occur on any route.

Miao Ying In Battle

The tactics to battle that Miao Ying and her brother Zhao Ming. Take are perhaps the most significant contrasts between them. Miao Ying all about missiles and artillery, while Zhao Ming focused about melee units. Her faction bonus grants all missile units a +20 percent increase to ammunition. While missile infantry in her personal army suffer a -50 percent maintenance reduction. While Grand Cathay lacks Kislev’s Great Orthodoxy’s adaptable hybrid units, these benefits complement their formidable crossbow and gunpowder units nicely.

Miao Ying’s ideal army performs in battle similarly to the Empire or Dwarf factions from Total War: Warhammer 2. It’s best to take a solid defensive position and compel. The adversary to advance while bombarded with Grand Cannon and Fire Rain Rockets. The deployment of strong Cathayan ranged units like the Crane Gunners. Celestial Dragon Crossbowman can then intensify the explosive hail. Despite the barrage’s strength, it’s critical to have Yin-aligned melee units close at all times. Both to defend and to buff through Cathay’s battlefield Harmony system.

How To Play The Northern Provinces Faction In Total War: Warhammer 3