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Dry Yearn Relic Ruins Puzzle Guide In Horizon Forbidden West

Dry Yearn Relic Ruins Puzzle Guide In Horizon Forbidden West. The Dry Yearn ornament is guarded by a blast door, a railcar, and a pair of containers. In Horizon Forbidden West, this lesson will demonstrate players how to efficiently navigate the Relic Ruins and get the prize.

Although the Dry Yearn Relic Ruins isn’t as challenging as the others, it still necessitates some consideration and a one-of-a-kind artefact.

Dry Yearn Relic Ruins Puzzle

Players will be able to explore the Dry Yearn Relic Ruins early in Horizon Forbidden West, but they will not be able to complete it until they regain DEMETER. This is owing to a strange metal blossom obstructing the path. The only way to get rid of it is to use the Vine Cutter module.

Blast Door

The decoration seen from the first area. The issue is that players will not be able to access it immediately. You’ll get access to a mobile box after smashing the metal blossom.

Climb the metal bars on the opposite side of the room from the decoration to the higher portion. There’s a yellow wheel nearby; use it to open the blast door.

Locked Room

As soon as Aloy stops moving the wheel, the door will begin to close. Even if it means they’ll stuck on the opposite side, players should sprint through before it does so. On the blue metal fixture at the tunnel’s far end, they’ll have to utilise the Pullcaster. To exit, park the railcar right in front of the blast door. With the Pullcaster, players should grab onto the three climbable beams on the right side of the chamber.

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As all three beams have now lowered, jump from the railcar to the nearest beam and hop from one beam to the next until they reach an elevated platform with the Repository Maintenance Key on it. The railcar then used to ascend to the upper section of the cavern on the opposite side. To open the Relic Ruins’ one closed door, use the key module.

Use the Pullcaster to open a vent and crawl through it to a room with a Firegleam crystal within after passing through the door. After igniting the Firegleam and passing through the hole it creates, they will returned to the platform with the yellow wheel. Reopen the blast door with this. Drag the railcar underneath the heavy door to keep it open instead of allowing it to close.

Get The Ornament

Climb the yellow bars on the blast door’s back. The players must use the Pullcaster to remove another blue metal frame from the wall. The ornament can then picked up by sliding down to the platform below and completing the Dry Yearn Relic Ruins.

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Dry Yearn Relic Ruins Puzzle Guide In Horizon Forbidden West