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All Miasma Region Chest Locations In Destiny 2

All Miasma Region Chest Locations In Destiny 2. The Witch Queen DLC for Destiny 2 is mostly focused on the Throne World as its new location. The campaign, however, includes a slew of new zones and activities, such as storey Strikes and The Wellspring. Additionally, the Throne World has various sub-areas where players can farm loot and accomplish Patrols. Region Chests are also available in Destiny 2’s Quagmire, Miasma, and Florescent Canal. This tutorial will walk you through the process of obtaining the Region Chests in Miasma.

Miasma Region Chest 1

The first Region Chest is located near the entrance to Savathun’s Throne World’s Miasma section, which players can access by landing near Fynch in Quagmire and summoning their Sparrow from there. When Destiny 2 players enter Miasma, they should simply proceed forward and follow the road until they reach a small region surrounded by ruins, which is the zone’s first type of landscape.

The chest is hidden inside a cave to the left, beneath the ruins’ rubble. Players should simply follow the path within the cave for a certain period of time in order to locate the first Region Chest.

Miasma Region Chest 2

The second chest is located in a massive, circular, silo-like structure directly across from the previous chest. This structure is similarly largely demolished and left to rubble, but the Region Chest is positioned above, and players must jump several times to access it.

Players must climb to the structure’s centre and then take. The first ledge they come across on their route to the top. They’ll be able to see one of Destiny 2’s Deepsight spots atop the structure. As well as the Region Chest, from there.

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From there, players should continue climbing in the general direction of the chest. Which will become visible after they reach the building’s top floor.

Once they’ve located and opened the chest, they should jump to the building’s foundation for the next one.

Miasma Region Chest 3

Destiny 2 players should turn right from the base of the building and travel towards. A massive rock mass towards the edge of the Miasma area for the third and final Region Chest.

To the left of the rock mass, there will be a long cave. Players should enter and follow the way inside.

They’ll also uncover the Region Chest at the end of the cave. Which they’ll need for Destiny 2’s Trust Goes Both Ways task.

All Miasma Region Chest Locations In Destiny 2