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How To Parry In Elden Ring PC

How To Parry In Elden Ring PC

How To Parry In Elden Ring PC. Elden Ring provides a variety of options for players to score a critical hit on their opponents. There are more methods to critically hurt foes in Elden Ring than in any other FromSoftware game, from Guard Counters to Sleep Arrows. Parrying is a method that is as old as the Souls series itself.

How To Parry In Elden Ring PC

Parrying is a skill that necessitates near-perfect timing in order to riposte an attack with a shield (or some weapons), leaving adversaries vulnerable to a critical hit. The Parry technique used by some of the finest Souls players to quickly destroy everything from low-level adversaries to the game’s most difficult bosses. Parrying done in Elden Ring in much the same way it before, with a few exceptions.

Elden Ring Parrying vs Other FromSoftware Games

How To Parry In Elden Ring PC

Parrying functions almost identically in Elden Ring as it does in other FromSoftware games. If you’ve played Dark Souls 3, you’re probably familiar with this mechanic. The ability to Parry necessary inscribed on every shield in the game, which a significant distinction.

The Ash of War system, which debuted in Elden Ring, allows players to customise each weapon’s specific abilities. With an Ash of War, you can completely remove the Parry ability from shields. The majority of shields in the game can parry, however this isn’t always the case.

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In Elden Ring, How To Perform A Parry

How To Parry In Elden Ring PC

In Elden Ring, parrying only possible with a shield equipped and only against enemy melee combat attacks. You can’t parry an arrow, and you can’t parry Sorceries or Incantations either. However, almost every attack launched with a weapon that makes physical contact with the player can Parried. When facing a melee opponent, keep an eye on their attack patterns and prepare to put your reflexes to the test.

Press the Strong Attack button on the hand holding your shield a fraction of a second before a hit strikes (typically LT or L2). If you time it well, your opponent’s weapon will flail away, doing no damage and throwing them off balance. This allows you to approach closer to the target in order to score a Critical Hit. Known as a Riposte in this case. For most players, parrying is a difficult manoeuvre to master. So make sure to observe enemy moves and be confident in your ability to parry.