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How To Get The Moonlight Greatsword In Elden Ring

How To Get The Moonlight Greatsword In Elden Ring. Elden Ring‘s Moonlight Greatsword is a formidable weapon. It’s the Dark Moon Greatsword’s one-of-a-kind Skill. Players will get the Moonlight Greatsword from Ranni herself after finishing Ranni’s questline. 16 Strength, 11 Dexterity, and 38 Intelligence are required to use the weapon. The Greatsword also scales with the same three stats.

Tarnished can use the Moonlight Greatsword to coat it in frost. This function greatly simplifies the process of inflicting Frost on foes. The Greatsword also has the ability to fire moonlight blasts that do decent damage. The following article will assist players in obtaining the Moonlight Greatsword.

How To Get The Moonlight Greatsword In Elden Ring

Players must finish the last phase in Ranni’s questline to obtain the Moonlight Greatsword. She will then hand over the weapon to them in the Manus Celes Cathedral. It’s one of the longer Elden Ring questlines, so expect to see a lot of different places and face some tough enemies.

Ranni presents herself as Renna in the Church of Elleh at first. She gives Elden Ring’s Spirit Calling Bell, which is a critical item. Players must then travel to Three Sisters and speak with Ranni in Ranni’s Rise. Accepting her offer to work for her will start her journey.

Tarnished is then tasked by the Witch with bringing her the Eternal City’s hidden riches. Travel and quick travel are unavailable until all NPCs in the tower have completed their discussion.

In Sifora River, meet Blaidd, the Half-Wolf. The Lift inside Siofra River Well in Mistwood, Limgrave, can be used to get there. Blaidd can be seen standing near a cliff while exploring the underground area. He instructs gamers to seek directions to Nokron from Preceptor Seluvis. In Three Sisters, the sorcerer is in his tower.

Following his encounter with Seluvis, he will dispatch Tarnished to locate Sellen, who is imprisoned in a dungeon south of Agheel Lake Shore.

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Killing Starscourge Radahn, a Demi-God, according to Sellen, will release a star that will expose Nokron’s arrival. Tarnished must travel to Mistwood Ruins in Limgrave and locate a clump of floating rocks near a cliff after defeating Radahn at Redmane Castle. That is the location of the entryway. Players will come encounter a room with a large skeleton as they progress deeper into the Eternal City. Fingerslayer Blade, Nokron’s hidden treasure, is kept inside.

How To Get The Moonlight Greatsword In Elden Ring

Give the blade to Ranni, who will vanish after bestowing a Carian Inverted Statue on Tarnished, which can be used in the Carian Study Hall. This room is found within Liurnia’s Divine Tower. To obtain the Cursemark of Death, use the statue to climb the tower’s highest floor.

Then go to Renna’s Rise and utilise the teleporter by climbing the ladder. It will transport players to the underground Ainsel River. While resting on a Site of Lost Grace, take the Miniature Ranni and converse to it three times.

After that, travel to Nokstrella to battle the Baleful Shadow. Ranni will give players the Discarded Palace Key if they kill him. Inside the Raya Lucaria Grand Library, this key can be used to open the chest containing the Dark Moon Ring. Tarnished must first defeat Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, in order to gain access to it.

Return to the shadow spot after that and continue forward until Tarnished reaches Lake of Rot. Enter the large structure and interact with a coffin to reach Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. By defeating this boss, you’ll gain access to Moonlight Altar.

Torrent will take you to the Cathedral of Manus Celes, where you must cautiously jump down. Give the Dark Moon Ring to Ranni, and she’ll give Tarnished the Moonlight Greatsword.

How To Get The Moonlight Greatsword In Elden Ring