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How To Get To Village Of The Albinaurics In Elden Ring

How To Get To Village Of The Albinaurics In Elden Ring. Elden Ring‘s wide environment is one of its best characteristics, with various narratives recounted over its vast territories. One of the numerous tales to tell about an abandoned community decimated by the Cursemongers’ devastation. The Albinaurics’ Village is a fascinating place full of death and sorrow.

For players lacking map vision, the trek to this location can be tedious, therefore gathering the Liurnia of the Lakes map bits can be beneficial. Because there is a boss fight within the village’s borders, bringing trustworthy Spirit Ashes can make the visit go more smoothly.

How To Get To Village of the Albinaurics In Elden Ring

The Liurnia Lake Shore site south of Liurnia is the closest Site of Lost Grace that players can teleport to. It recommended that Tarnished call Torrent the Spirit Horse because traveling with it significantly faster. Continue riding northwest, staying close to the cliff’s left-hand wall.

Many opponents strewn across the marsh where players will their trip to the Albinaurics’ Village. Ignore them and avoid their attacks to make the journey less arduous. When the marsh becomes muddy, look for a nearby slope that climbs upward. It will take you to the settlement if you climb it.

The several corpses hanging from wooden poles are the first sign that players have arrived in the Village. This is the entrance to the Albinaurics’ Village. Continue walking further until Tarnished sees a white ghostly worshiping in front of a well. Ignore it and go to walk past it in order to illuminate the Site of Lost Grace. Players can now freely roam throughout the settlement without fear of dying.

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Elden Ring players must battle the Perfumer adversary as they progress deeper into the Village. Tarnished will have two options after murdering them:

  • A bridge to the left
  • A path behind the shack

Take the path behind the shack and continue forward until you hear whimpers. However, gamers will discover no one in the area if they try to locate the source of the noise.

This is because the NPC is actually posing as a large pot. The whimpering villager will appear if you hit the pot. They’ll request Tarnished to steal the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right) and give it to Latenna if you speak with them.

Return to the other side of the bridge after taking the Medallion. Omenkiller, a field boss, will encountered by Tarnished. It’s a rather simple fight, especially considering Spirit Ashes can summoned throughout this boss fight. Players will receive 4900 Runes and the Crucible Knot Talisman after killing the Elden Ring field boss.

How To Get To Village Of The Albinaurics In Elden Ring