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Climbing Equipment Location In Green Hell

Climbing Equipment Location In Green Hell. Players will need specific climbing equipment to climb up or down the Green Hell. Throughout the game, equipment can only be found in one location and cannot be purchased or prepared. Check out the guide below if you haven’t received your climbing equipment yet and aren’t sure where to look.

You must travel to the airport to obtain climbing equipment. Set the coordinates of your wristwatch to 28W, 22S to access the region if you don’t know where the airport is. Look for a tiny shack with a large blue tank outside after you arrive at the airport. Look to your right as you enter the shed; there should be a shelf with climbing equipment on it. In the same shed as the climbing equipment, there is also a map of the area. You’ll find another shelf with a map if you walk a bit further from where you received the climbing equipment.

Climbing equipment will be quite useful during your trip in the activity, even if it is not required. To ascend or descend, press E to begin the ascension process. You won’t watch your character ascend since as the climb sequence starts, a cut scene will appear, and you’ll simply reappear on the other side.

Climbing Equipment Location In Green Hell