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Kokeshi Relic Location In Ghostwire Tokyo

Kokeshi Relic Location In Ghostwire Tokyo. Several relics can be found in Ghostwire: Tokyo. While you may not need these relics on your journey, the Nekomata you meet in the city do. Occasionally, merchants will ask you to deliver relics for a prize. Ghostwire: Tokyo‘s Kokeshi Relic location explained.

You’ll find this relic early in the game. It’s possible you’ll miss it while following the plot. After Akito discovers his sister, he goes to the Kokeshi Relic, which is close to the hospital. Instead of taking the main path into town, turn right. You’ll run into a wall, but you don’t want to deviate too far from your goal.

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To your right, near the building entrance, is a white truck with multiple boxes. Near the truck, look for the Kokeshi Relic on one of the lower boxes. Grab it and take it to the Handicraft Nekomata, which is near the Shiroyama Shrine.

Kokeshi Relic Location In Ghostwire Tokyo