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Nepheli Lux quest guide in elden ring

Nepheli Lux quest guide in elden ring. Don’t give Nepheli the potion Preceptor Selivus gives during the Queen’s quest. His search will be over soon.

Locks is another tarnished character early in the Elden Ring. She helps her foster father, Gideon Ofnir, become the Lord of Elden. Until recently, his search was impossible. After patch 1.03, it appears.

The first step is to meet Nepheli near Grace’s secluded cell at Stormville Castle. Follow the giant to a small room south of Grace. She’ll be atop a dead exiled knight. End his dialogue and ask him to help Godric the Grafted fight.

After defeating Godric, meet Nefeli at Round Table Hold. Ask Gideon about Nepheli near Ofnir’s study, then ask Gideon about Nepheli. Listen to him, then talk to Nefeli again, finishing his sentences.

Continue until you reach Liurnia of the Lakes, then go to Albinaurix to meet Albus and get the Halligtree’s Secret Medallion Wright. Nefeli must be kneeling near a bridge full of dead. Alternatively, summon her up north to face the Omenkiller World Boss, the fire-breathing perfumer foe, and the Albus Pot.

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Round Table Return Hold and descend near Smith Hague. Nefeli will kneel left of the ladder’s end.

After that, talk to Gideon about Nepheli’s despair. Return to Nefeli and speak with him again.

Now go to the Four Belfries and enter the Precipice of Anticipation portal.

Defeat the grafted scion for sweet vengeance, and visit the church early in the game. Step right out of that door to find The Stormhawk King Spirit.

These aren’t immediately useful, so return to the Round Table Conference. Take the Stormhawk King’s ashes back downstairs to Nepheli. She will recognise them and thank you for having them.

Kenneth now pursues Height’s quest until he returns to his fort and searches for Limgrave’s heir. Move up the Royal Capital’s Lyndale until you defeat Morgot, the Omen King.

Once Morgot is settled, head north to Godric’s throne room. Nepheli and Kenneth Height will be there, with Kenneth noting that she has replaced Godric as Lady of Limegrave. Nepheli will reward you with an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone to +25 a standard weapon.

Nepheli Lux quest guide in elden ring