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Tunic: How to get the Magic Rod

Tunic: How to get the Magic Rod. After a few hours of Tunic, you’ll probably have a good grasp of the game. You’ve got your trusty blade, a few items, and maybe even the West Garden’s Magic Dagger. You can still use melee combat, but it’s sometimes nice to take out an opponent from afar. Don’t worry, the Magic Rod is a ranged weapon in the game. Look for it here.

To ring the Eastern and Western bells, you must first defeat the Guard Captain and the Garden Knight. After that, return to the Overworld’s Sealed Temple and enter. Inside, weave your way through the main room and up the ladder to the upper level.

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Climb the ladder and continue west to a massive golden monolith. In front of it, the Magic Rod allows you to cast long-range magic blasts. They’re not as powerful as your sword, but they let you stay away from enemies while still killing them. Keep an eye on the golden monolith, as it holds the key to one of the missing instructions.

Tunic: How to get the Magic Rod