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Dinosaur Pinata Locations Fh5

Dinosaur Pinata Locations Fh5. The latest series of Forza Horizon 5 is back with a new collection. Smashables for you to find and take on. It’s Forza Horizon 5 Dinosaur Pinata spots all over the map this time. These smashables are one of the challenges in the Series 5 Festival Playlist. And they earn you 3 points toward your seasonal prizes.

These Smashables aren’t the most difficult to get by. But you’ll need to smash 15 of them quickly to tick the box on the Festival Playlist menu. So, in order to save you hours of driving around Mexico. We’ve selected the greatest Forza Horizon 5 Dinosaur Pinata sites.

You can find the optimal position below, and as with previous smashable challenges. You may save and restart your game. To have the smashables respawn on the map for you to drive through again.

Forza Horizon 5 Dinosaur Pinata Locations

In Forza Horizon 5, the greatest spot to find Dinosaur Pinatas is in an Eventlab course. That has a bunch of them close by. The share code for the one you’re looking for is 120 191 364.

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This course, built by YouTube user ‘DungG,’ arranges roughly two dozen or so pinatas in close proximity to one another. However, you’ll have to restart the course several times because. The game is a little buggy when it comes to registering pinatas that you’ve driven through.

This should cover all of the finest Forza Horizon 5 Dinosaur Pinata locations. Allowing you to finish the challenge this week. Check out our guide to Forza Horizon 5 Guanajuato Bike locations for more information on smashable challenges.

Dinosaur Pinata Locations Fh5