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flamberge greatsword location in elden ring

Where To Find Flamberge Greatsword In Elden Ring

Where To Find Flamberge Greatsword In Elden Ring. In Elden Ring, the Flamberge is one of the greatest early greatswords for Bleed builds, and it can obtained. As soon as players reach Redmane Castle.

Elden Ring has added a large open world to the original FromSoftware Soulslike structure. Rewarding players for their curiosity and exploration. The collapsing castles, dangerous bosses, and potent riches litter the Lands Between. As a result, Elden Ring provides players with a vast assortment of weaponry to discover, with Ashes of War and Smithing Stones improving even the most basic sword.

Blood loss builds are currently some of the most powerful in Elden Ring, and there are a few weapons of each class that are ideal for stacking blood loss. The Flamberge, a long, undulating blade with a large capacity for blood loss, is one of the best Bleed Greatswords.

In Elden Ring, where Can You Find The Flamberge?


Caelid, the Scarlet Rot-infested region in the southeast portion of the Lands Between, is the place to go if you want to craft the ultimate Elden Ring Bleed build with the Flamberge.

The Flamberge originally owned by Witch-Hunter Jerren, an NPC that lives in Redmane Castle and can still found there. Thankfully, players won’t have to defeat Jerren to obtain the sword; nonetheless, it will only be available if Jerren’s General Radahn-slaying celebration hasn’t started or completed.

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The Flamberge can found on the southeast rampart after players have defeated Radahn or before entering the festival area. This region can reached by climbing the steps east of the teleporter entry point. Then entering the tower and climbing the ladder. The Flamberge guarded by a Pumpkin-Head opponent and can found on a dead body.

Breakdown Of Elden Ring Flamberge

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The Flamberge is an excellent early choice for players that prefer the weight and power of a greatsword while focusing on Bleed. Its early-to-mid-game placement makes it relatively straightforward to locate, allowing players to gain a head start on their ideal Elden Ring build.

  • Damage type: Standard/Pierce
  • Default Ash of War: Stamp (Upward Cut) – A 5/8 FP cost attack that first blocks an incoming blow, then counters with a powerful upward sweep.
  • Weight: 10.0
  • Attributes Required: Str 15, Dex 14
  • Attribute Scaling: Str D, Dex D (B)
  • Attack Power: Physical 129, Critical 100
  • Guarded Damage Negation:
    • Physical: 65
    • Magic: 35
    • Fire: 35
    • Lightning: 35
    • Holy: 35
    • Guard Boost: 42
  • Passive Effects:
    • Blood loss buildup (55)
  • Upgrade Material: Smithing Stones

The Flamberge may be infused with Elden Ring’s Ashes of War abilities as a normal-type weapon, modifying its damage, scaling, and unique power.

The Blood infusion is one of the greatest options for the Flamberge, since it adds nearly twice as much blood loss buildup to each swing.

Elden Ring is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

Where To Find Flamberge Greatsword In Elden Ring