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Vertus Pet location In Lost Ark

Vertus Pet location In Lost Ark. Since the massive update in April, which included the Ark Pass. A new continent, and much more, the Lost Ark Vertus Pet has in high demand. Pets are a huge deal in any MMO, and Lost Ark is no exception. With a slew of various critters you may hire to follow you around. So, if you’re wondering how to get the Vertus Pet in Lost Ark, look no further.

Check out how to gain more resources for improving your equipment level. In the Lost Ark Super Express event, which was released with the April update.


Because they are baby dragons, the Vertus Pets have become quite famous due to their charming and cuddly appearance. They come in four colours: yellow, light blue, purple, and dark blue, and are based on the tier one Guardian Raid boss Vertus. You can now only get one of these dogs by paying money. As they are a reward from the Lost Ark Pass. Which was launched in the April update.

The pass has three different reward tracks: free, premium, and super premium. But the Vertus Pets are only accessible as the final prize for attaining level 30 on the premium track. You will receive a Vertus Pet Selection Chest after obtaining this level. Allowing you to choose which of the Vertus Pets you want to be your new little pet. The premium edition of the Ark Pass is only available until June 18, and if you buy it. You’ll have until July 14 to complete it or you’ll miss out on the rewards. There’s no word on whether the devs will create another way for users. To obtain Vertus Pets in the future, but for the time being, this appears to be the only option.

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You’ll only need to accomplish particular objectives to earn experience and level up the pass, but there’s a weekly cap of 500 XP, so get started as soon as possible if you want to receive the Vertus Pet before the July 14 deadline.

That concludes our guide to obtaining the Vertus Pet in Lost Ark, and you now know how to obtain one of the adorable dragons.

We also have a guide on how to obtain the Lost Ark Token of Protection, which will allow you to enter the recently released Chaos Line dungeon.

Vertus Pet location In Lost Ark