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Heart Shadow Location In Destiny 2

Heart Shadow Location In Destiny 2. Do you want to get your hands on the Heart Shadow exotic from Destiny 2? This ornate blade is one of the Season of the Haunted’s most interesting new exotics, and it’s ideal for void subclass characters that wish to maximise their invisibility. Its most powerful attribute is that it makes you invisible and fires Void orbs at adversaries when you launch a hard assault.

Invisibility usually reserved for finishers, class abilities, or smoke bombs. So adding it to a weapon is a powerful addition. Heart Shadow, on the other hand, isn’t simple to come by. To begin, you’ll need to journey through the new Duality dungeon(opens in new tab), and even if you complete the final fight, the chances of it dropping are quite tiny. Heart Shadow is also not farmable, which means it can only obtained through a limited number of completions each week.

If you’re new to Season of the Haunted, you might be wondering what Opulent Keys(opens in new tab) and chests are, as well as where to look for the Calus bobbleheads(opens in new tab) dispersed throughout the Leviathan. In any case, this is how you obtain Heart Shadow in Destiny 2.

It’s also worth noting that Heart Shadow isn’t a farmable item.

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What is the best way to get Destiny 2 Heart Shadow?

The rarest award from the Duality dungeon is the Heart Shadow sword. It can only obtained in the final battle against Caiatl, and it drop rate is extremely low. If all you want is the sword, it’s a smart idea to use the Destiny 2. App to identify others who are looking for aid with the final battle. This implies you won’t have to complete the entire dungeon simply. To receive a shot at Heart Shadow once a week. With a new feature introduced this season by Bungie, you can enhance the sword’s potential drop rate.

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How to Improve the Drop Rate in Destiny 2 Heart Shadow

To increase the Heart Shadow weekly drop rate, you must first achieve a sequence of victories in the dungeon. You may see all of the triumphs by going to your triumphs menu and selecting “legends” then “duality.” Here are the five that increase the chance of getting a Heart Shadow:

  • Complete all encounters in Duality without dying as a Flawless Thoughtstealer.
  • Complete all encounters in Duality alone as a solitary Thoughtstealer.
  • Become a Perfected Thoughtstealer by completing all of Duality’s confrontations without dying.
  • Complete Duality on Master difficulty with Master Thoughtstealer.
  • Take Calus’ repressed memories in a mind heist.

Because the Repressed Memories are just collectibles distributed throughout the dungeon, Mind Heist the easiest to complete. Completing it on Master will demand a high power level, and while soloing it is doable. Collecting all of the standards required for boss damage stages will take a long time. Even one of them will cut down on the number of weeks it will take you to earn the sword.