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How To Play Against Wraith In Dead By Daylight

How To Play Against Wraith In Dead By Daylight

How To Play Against Wraith In Dead By Daylight. In Dead By Daylight, the Wraith is a sneaky assailant. Here’s everything you need to know about playing this heinous game.

Few sounds are as foreboding as the ringing of the Wraith’s Wailing Bell for newcomers to Dead by Daylight. For new Survivors, seeing the gaunt figure come out of nowhere as he loses his invisibility can be horrifying. And even veteran ones must be on the lookout for his sneak attacks.

In the correct hands, the Wraith may be a deadly sneak attack Killer, combining stealth and speed. The Wraith is frequently one of the first Killers that newcomers to Dead by Daylight learn. Providing them key abilities and methods that will serve them well for the rest of their time with the game.

Wailing Bell

How To Play Against Wraith In Dead By Daylight
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The Wailing Bell is the Wraith’s power. The Wraith can cloak by ringing his bell, and stay that way until he decides to ring his bell again. It is completely invisible while cloaked and stationary, or when he is more than 20 meters away from Survivors. The Wraith can only seen in motion because of thin shimmer that surrounds his body, making him difficult to perceive.

The Wailing Bell can heard from a distance of up to 24 meters. And the accompanying “whooshing” sound can heard from a distance of up to 40 meters. The Wraith moves at 6.0 m/s while cloaked, allowing him to cover the distance on Survivors fast. And while uncloaking, he gains a 1-second speed boost.

While cloaked, the Wraith is unable to attack, but can still interact. While profiting from the Wailing Bell’s invisibility, vaulting windows, smashing pallets and breakable walls, kicking generators. And snuffing boon totems are all achievable. The Wraith is vulnerable to Lightburn while cloaked; shining a flashlight on him or setting off a Flash Grenade. Or Fireworks near him stuns him and forces him to uncloak.

The Wraith’s Teachable Perks

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DeadByDaylight 06 01 2021 13 06 55

The Wraith was one of the three original Killers when Dead by Daylight first debuted, and his bonuses reflect it. Predator, Bloodhound, and Shadowborn are all tracking bonuses. That help the stealthy Killer follow his target and are especially useful for individuals new to the game.

  • Predator (Level 30): Survivors’ scratch marks appear to be much closer together.
  • Bloodhound (Level 35): Blood pools appear brilliant red and can tracked for several seconds longer than usual.
  • Shadowborn (Level 40): The Killer’s field of view increased by 15 degrees.

Players unfamiliar to the position of Killer frequently have trouble locating Survivors. And avoiding losing them in pursuit, and these perks can greatly aid in this endeavor. Killers with more experience are more inclined to discard these perks in favor of perks. That provide knowledge, increased lethality, or another potent benefit. However, there’s nothing wrong with using these benefits to have a better understanding of the game. Some players even keep them after that as a matter of personal taste.

General Strategy

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The Wraith a real stealth Killer who thrives when he can take advantage of element of surprise Unlike Pig. The Wraith has no Killer Item on the map to reveal his identity at the start of the match. So Survivors won’t know who they up against until he seen or heard. This should used by the Killer, who should use surprise as much as possible in the early game.

It’s best to approach Survivors from unexpected angles. Often, the Wraith will be able to sneak around the map’s edge. Or take the long way around a structure to attack Survivors from an unexpected angle. Resulting in a hit they would have otherwise lost.

ALSO READ: How Many Maps Does Dead By Daylight Have

Boon: Circle of Healing

The player should use Killer speed to cover as much map as possible in as little time as possible. Patrolling generators. And seeking for Survivors. Once a Survivor has been located. It critical that a hit scored before the Survivor reaches a window or pallet. As the Wraith has little defenses against those. One of the most reliable ways to score stealth hits is to hide behind an object. And begin uncloaking there, emerging from behind the object just as the Wraith begins his lunge attack.

When the Wraith is in pursuit, he can cloak again. And use the speed increase to catch up to his target. Because the Wraith can collide while unseen. It’s best to race ahead of a Survivor and bodyblock a window or pallet before they can reach it. Though hit-and-run tactics were formerly popular, Boon: Circle of Healing has rendered them obsolete. Thus the Wraith’s best option is to pursue and capture an injured Survivor.

Build Suggestions

Feature Dead by Daylight Wraith Build
Feature Dead by Daylight Wraith Build

The Wraith may make the most of his speed and invisibility with the following bonuses:

  • Hex: Devour Hope (Hag Level 40) – When distant Survivors unhooked, the player will earn specific rewards. Increased speed, exposure, and the capacity to kill all Survivors are among them. This perk guarantees that the Wraith’s surprise attacks deal the maximum amount of damage. Turning them into insta-downs rather than just injuries.
  • Hex: Ruin (Hag Level 35) – When a Survivor stops working on the generator, it will regress. This stops the Survivors from completing generators too rapidly. Allowing the Wraith to take use of the Wraith’s high speed. And ability to push numerous Survivors off generators at the same time.
  • Hex: Thrill of the Hunt (General) – Survivors will have to cleanse and bless at a faster rate. This perk also gives you the Killer Bloodpoints bonus. Thrill of the Hunt works as a shield against both Devour Hope and Ruin. Limiting the Survivors’ ability to clear those Hexes and allowing the Wraith to intervene.
  • Hex: Pentimento (Artist Level 40) – The Killer can reignite totems that have killed, granting Survivors a sequence of debuffs. Slower generator repair and healing speeds are among them. This perk acts as a safety net for the build. If Survivors wipe the Hexes, Pentimento will punish them with debuffs that make them regret ever touching a totem.

To emphasize his might, the Wraith possesses a pair of excellent Iridescent add-ons

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The Wailing Bell silenced by the Coxcombed Clapper. This nefarious add-on lets you launch lethal surprise strikes.

  • “All Seeing” – Spirit: When generators veiled, the strength of their aura reveals their restoration progress. Players can use this to make sure the Wraith always knows where to strike next.
  • This build compensates for the Wraith’s lack of lethality. And slowing potential due to his status as a “M1” basic attack Killer. The Wraith can maintain lethal pressure throughout the Trial with these perks and add-ons.

Dead By Daylight is now available on the PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, and Stadia platforms.