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How To Get Bound In Sorrow In Destiny 2 Week 5

How To Get Bound In Sorrow In Destiny 2 Week 5

How To Bound In Sorrow In Destiny 2 Week 5. It time for a fresh assignment now that Crow and Commander Zavala have both been liberate from their Nightmares!

As we have officially entered Week 5 of Season of Haunted,Bound in Sorrow questline for Destiny 2 has resumed. In our ongoing effort to break the link between Calus. And his nightmares and the Pyramid, further fresh steps are now possible.

Finally last week, we were able to assist Commander Zavala in getting rid of the nightmares. Nightmares have able to seep into psyche of Zavala’s former wife, Safiyah, haunting him by reminding him of past.

We managed to accomplish the ceremony last week. Allowing Zavala to finally meet the Safiyah without experiencing any Nightmare consequences. After several failed attempts to finish the process and liberate Zavala from his Nightmares.

With that said. Let’s move on to the new assignments for Week 5 of the Destiny 2 Bound in Sorrow questline:

Talk to Eris in Crown of Sorrow in step 29.

You should get your quest from Eris in Crown of Sorrow in HELM, just like the previous weeks.

How To Get Bound In Sorrow In Destiny 2 Week 5
Bound in sorrow header

Complete the Tiers of Nightmare Containment and Establish a Bound Presence in Steps 30 and 31.

Go to Derelict Leviathan and finish the three tiers of Nightmare Containments there as your first assignment. At the conclusion of Tier 3, make sure to interact with the Harvester to generate a Bound Presence. If you don’t have enough resources, you can get some by grinding the Derelict Leviathan or participating in Crucible bouts. Of course, you’ll need 500 Vestiges of Dread to produce the Bound Presence.

Step 32 – Head to HELM to Get an Urgen Message

How To Get Bound In Sorrow In Destiny 2 Week 5
destiny 2 helm location new

Once inside the HELM, go to the Holoprojector and ask Caiatl for the message. After then, a new task will assigned to you.

Step 33 – Go to Underbelly of Leviathan and Find Caiatl

Launch the Sever mission after selecting Moon from the directory. To defeat Calus’ army, you will work with Caiatl’s soldiers. You will come to a new hole that electrically blocked after setting up the first amplifier. You can locate two power collectors inside the room in front of you, immediately above the entrance. Destroy them to make room for your pass to the hole.

You are now in a new corridor. Where you must interact with a number of items to make your way through. You will find a control gadget in front of you as the first item. It will then activat, revealing an immune giant. Simply flee to complete your responsibilities as you can’t kill it.

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Overall, this corridor has three roads that branch out of it. You should put something there because the first one on your right will bring you to a dead end. Then exit the hallway and proceed to the other external route. Which will direct you to engage a different control mechanism. Now return to the main hallway and proceed to the third external on the left. Which a ramp leading to a brand-new, sizable area with a door that should now open at end.

Before you reach the door, in the open space beneath the platform. There is a bubblehead collectible as shown in the image below.

Now, You will encounter Caiatl’s warriors after passing through the entrance and turning right down a long hallway. You will reach Caiatl at the end of the corridor. Where you can start the ritual and kill the Ghoul of Dominus Nightmare. Make sure you have enough explosives because this is a difficult battle.

Step 34 – Head to Sanctuary in Moon

How To Get Bound In Sorrow In Destiny 2 Week 5
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You’ll instructed to meet Eris at Sanctuary in Moon once you overcome the bossfight.

Step 35 – Clear K1 Revelations Lost Sector

Follow markings’ directions to K1 Revelations Lost Sector on the Moon. Where you can kill the boss and take its riches. A number of shards have rendered the boss immune to strikes, so keep that in mind. A Tormented Nightamre is manning each shard. For a short while, you should stand close to a shard to see the spawn of its guardians. Destroy the shard after eliminating the Tormented Nightmare.

Repeat the process with each shard until the boss immunity gone. At which point you can team up with it to destroy it. Get your next mission from Eris by plundering the missing sector.

Step 36 – Go Near to Pyramid Beneath the Surface of Moon

Now leave the Lost Sector and return outside. Follow the marks to a rocky ledge close to the Pyramid.

Investigate the Area Near the Pyramid in Step 37

At the rocky edge, there are several dead lying on the ground. Your quest will modified if you look into them.

Step 38 – Talk to Eris at Crown of Sorrow

Return to HELM and inform Eris of your discoveries. And with that, you have finished the week’s worth of tasks. At the weekly reset time on Tuesday, there will be more steps available.

Please note that the Bound in Sorrow questline is exclusively accessible to Season Pass holders. But even without a combat pass, you can still participate in the Nightmare Containment activity.