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All Pro Players Crosshair Codes In Valorant

All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant

All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant. The VALOROUS crosshair codes become everyone’s obsession. For some reason, many think they can play like the pros. If they utilize the same crosshair and sensitivity as them.

Although most people would just dismiss that, I do believe there is a glimmer of truth to it. Your settings do matter when it comes to improving at VALORANT. Even though skill, aim, and game sense are the most crucial elements. Regardless of skill level, a player with a poor crosshair. And 1,000 DPI with 0.5 sensitivity will nearly always outgunned by a player. With a solid crosshair and reasonable sensitivity.

Your VALORANT crosshair is crucial, so. For this reason, we are gathering the VALORANT team of Auristralis’ crosshair codes. Therefore, give one of the crosshairs listed below a try if you need a new one.

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Crosshair Codes for the VALORANT Team of Auristralis


All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant
Smaller Valorant Square Crosshair

Crosshair code for the WANHEDA VALORANT: 0;P;c;5;h;0;f;0;0l;4;0o;1;0a;1;0e;0.328;1b;0

My least favorite crosshair displayed here. It initially appears to be the same Tenz crosshair that every other gamer is using. However, there is one significant distinction, and that is the firing inaccuracy.

The firing error setting on WANHEDA’s crosshair makes the crosshair enlarge while firing. As your crosshair becomes clearly less accurate, the idea is that it will help you retain trigger discipline. This excellent for someone just getting start with VALORANT. However, there is no need for it if you have spent more than 100 hours playing the game.

However, feel free to give it a shot if you happen to disagree.


All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant
All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant

Crosshair code for the Auri VALORANT: 0;s;1;P;c;1;o;1;d;1;0l;1;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0

Even though it’s not my favorite on team Auristralis, I like this crosshair. It is similar to ScreaM’s previous dot crosshair, but a little bit larger and with a thicker black border.

That, in my opinion, is a wonderful addition. It can be challenging to concentrate on smaller, minute crosshairs when you have weak vision and a goldfish’s attention span. With this one, you can still aim with the same degree of precision. That a dot crosshair provides you without having to worry about it being too small. Give this one a try if, like me, you prefer crosshairs that are larger.


All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant
All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant

0;s;1;P;c;5;o;1;d;1;z;1;0t;1;0l;1;0o;0;0a;0;0f;0;1b;0;S;d;0 Sevire VALORANT Crosshair Code

The VALORANT crosshair code from Sevire is essentially just ScreaM’s. Similar to Auri’s, but slightly smaller.

Contrary to what I just said, the crosshair highlighted today actually my fave. With this crosshair, striking shots is surprisingly simple due to the additional black border. It’s small and precise, but unlike some other ScreaM crosshairs, it’s not extremely challenging to aim with.

Just for the novelty of trying it out for yourself, I would advise you to give this one a try. You might understand what I’m getting at.

ALSO READ: How To Play The New Valorant Map Early


All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant
All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant

0;P;c;1;h;0;f;0;0l;4;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1t;0;1l;0;1o;0;1a;0;1m;0;1f;0 Carter VALORANT Crosshair Code

The most conventional of the group is Carter’s VALORANT crosshair. There is no border or center area; it is a solid cross.

In order to see what I’m aiming at, I prefer to have room in the center of my crosshair. But that’s just a matter of taste. The fact that a crosshair like this is safe at the end of the day is all. That some players need.

Try this crosshair for a day or two if you haven’t been able to decide on one in a while. It is straightforward, stylish, and hence accurate.


All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant
All Pro Player Crosshair Codes In Valorant

Code for the Al1en crosshair is 0;s;1;P;c;5;h;0;f;0;0l;4;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0.

Al1en is the last. Tenz’s crosshair is essentially the same as Al1en’s. It’s a little wider; it’s not exactly the same. Otherwise, Tenz’s crosshair is on it.

Give either Tenz’s crosshair or this crosshair a try if you haven’t used one before. Even while I personally don’t utilize it, there’s a good reason why it’s such a common archetype. But everyone else does, so something about it obviously works.

This type of crosshair widely used, and for good reason. At the very least, you should try with the T1 crosshair style.