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Crown Celebration 1

How To Win All Of The Final Rounds In Fall Guys

How To Win All Of The Final Rounds In Fall Guys. To win the Crown in Fall Guys, you must become familiar with each of the nine final rounds.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is a true test of your skills and endurance. You must overcome the hardest task before you can declare yourself a winner, whether it’s jumping from platform to platform, keeping track of specific fruits, or dodging other jelly beans.

In the show’s final round, which is one of nine final rounds, only the best of the best battle for the Crown.

How to Win Every Round in Fall Guys’ Finals

When you make it to the championship round, you have virtually finished the game’s obstacles. But in Fall Guys, there are a total of nine distinct championship matches.

You’ll be assigned one at random to play on. What matters most right now is whether you’ll carry the Crown back to the main menu or leave it behind.

winning in the finals

Nine Final Rounds have been played so far in the Fall Guys. The following advice and strategies must be kept in mind if you want to win a Crown:


In order to leap across a tile more quickly and avoid falling into the slime, it is best to do it diagonally.

Additionally, you can employ the cutting tactic to block other players’ access by simultaneously walking on two middle tiles. The tiles on your side will ultimately exclusively belong to you, so you won’t have to be concerned about other players’ movements.

Launch Ball

Avoid other players as much as you can if you’re a passive player to prevent them from throwing the ball at you. Run away as quickly as you can if they do. If you choose to play aggressively, be sure to deliver the ball at the proper moment to prevent them from having a chance to evade it.

How To Win All Of The Final Rounds In Fall Guys
How To Win All Of The Final Rounds In Fall Guys

Jump Battle

Instead of knocking out other players in this endgame, concentrate on survival. Practice makes perfect. To win the game, you must accurately forecast and time your jump.


For as long as you can, remain at the top stratum. You can dive to a nearby hex if one is available from your starting hex to get some more time to prepare for your drop to the next level. If not, dive below and join the mayhem. Make sure you block their routes while leaving enough room for you to step on.

Autumn Mountain

Follow the same route each time to make this quick and simple. Use the hammers and diamonds to your advantage so that you are less likely to be struck by falling balls. Make sure to time your jump at the final section so you may reach the Crown.

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Royal Error

Whoever holds the tail is likely to make a mistake unless they are a god-tier player. Keep an eye out for their moves and only pursue them with a hammer to prevent getting knocked back. Instead, make an effort to change their direction.

If they approach the corner of the map, cut them off from the opposing side. If you’re holding the tail and have plenty of time, try killing some time on the rotating platform in the centre of the arena.

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Icy Thin

Cut off a section of the map, similar to Hex-A-Ring, leaving a tile gap between you and other players. You may just relax and wait for the other players to fall off once you’re on your side of the map.

Move away

The best course of action for the first 45 seconds is to avoid edges and remain alive. After that, concentrate on avoiding contact with other people as much as you can to avoid being pushed over the brink. Avoid jumping when changing platforms.

ruined temple

There is a 99.9% chance that the side doors will open in the room with the Crown. Watch the folks in front when they try to open doors to take the lead. Make room for the other door if the first one won’t open.