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How To Change Blood Color In Pubg Mobile Pc Xbox Ps5

How To Change Blood Color In Pubg Mobile Pc Xbox Ps5. Looking to alter the PUBG’s visuals? Here’s how to alter the blood splatter’s hue in the game.

One of the most popular shooter subgenres is the battle royale, and there is a visual and set of gameplay elements to suit any fan’s preferences. Some people prefer shooters with a crazy, cartoonish aesthetic. Others favour hard-core mil-sims that are drenched in murky browns, tans, and greys.

Although most aspects of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) lean toward realism, occasionally gamers choose a different style. Changing the hue of the game’s blood is one approach to achieve the desired appearance. Here is the easiest technique to alter blood colour in PUBG, regardless of whether the player is doing so to get an advantage over other players or simply because it’s a fun change of pace.

How To Alter Blood Color On A Computer

Blood in PUBG is often a realistic red tint, although it may also be changed to a variety of various colours. Since the game’s release on PC, there have been a number different ways to accomplish this, but only one is safe and advised due to the fact that some methods call for the user to edit the game files directly (rather than merely changing settings).

How To Change Blood Color In Pubg Mobile Pc Xbox Ps5
How To Change Blood Color In Pubg Mobile Pc Xbox Ps5

Go to the game’s settings first. Go to the “Gameplay” menu and then “Colorblind Mode” from there. However, any player can use them to change the appearance of the game. These options were added to the game to make this easier for players who suffer from various types of colorblindness. Three distinct colorblind options are available in the game, and each one will make the blood a different colour. For example,

  • “Deuteranopia” turns the blood pink.
  • Blood turns blue due to protonopia.
  • Blood orange is created by “tritanopia.”

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Change Blood Color On A Phone

On a mobile device, the answer is nearly same. Only two blood colours are available in PUBG Mobile: the standard red and a green alternate. On a mobile device, select the Settings icon at the bottom of the screen, then press the “Graphics & Audio” tab to modify the hue of the blood. The “Colorblind Mode” option can be found by scrolling down. The original red blood is still labelled as “Normal” along with the other three colour selections from the PC version of the game. The blood colour will change when you choose the desired setting. If a player wishes to alter things up in the middle of a game, they can do so using the settings menu.

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However, if the player selects one of the game’s three colorblind settings, more than only blood colour will be altered. A number of game features’ display colours will also be changed. Including the markers on the minimap, the grenade and other throwable item trajectory indicators. The smoke from airdrops, the poison, the indicators for incoming fire, and the Red Zone. Although the impact of these adjustments is mostly cosmetic, gamers who want to change the game’s settings should keep them in mind.